Is It Possible To Save High Scores Without Commenting What It Is?
If anyone knows how to make Like a regesirting place on your Game That may help on
The scores thing and you don`t have to use the same charater too they can Just give
me a drawing of what they want there ship to be then I`ll try to make it :-)
Though I just put a part of super smash on the site:
Last edited by Mag (2007-07-05 18:19:30)
Hello Mag, currently there is no way of storing scores but that is something we are working on. Stay tunned!
I don't understand your second question very well. Are you asking for drawings to use on your games?
At the moment, nothing can be stored from one game to the next, so the idea of accessig your own character with a special password is moot.
It can, in a way; the system would be that at the end of the game the user gets a code (or multiple codes), and when they start a new game they can go to a "code entering" screen and enter the codes they got to continue from where they left off.
For example, one code set if the user was at Level 3 with 7 lives and at the position 49, 56:
3, 7, 49, 56
The user would then go to the code screen and enter these numbers in the appropriate places.
Of course, you could easily cheat this way.
Another way is a way that many online games use; give the user "passwords" when they get to a certain point so that when they next play the game they can enter that password to start off from that point.
Who did what, and where?
Maybe I can do that Thank you for the help! :-)
But here`s another question how do you make stuff that you can type in?
I`ve made my own website before but it`s not that good though.
Same question how do you make stuff you can type in like a chat box thing.