I have a Project I want to upload but even after i check the box that compresses the sounds and pictures it wont let me upload it is there anything I should try?
Are you recieving any errors, or is the project just taking forever to upload? Please by more specific!
I'm sorry it says that it is too big that it is over 10 Mega Bites I think
flimflamjj wrote:
I'm sorry it says that it is too big that it is over 10 Mega Bites I think
If this is the case try reducing the amount of music, or compressing it to the lowest quality.
Usually it is sound clips that makes your projects too big...go to the Sounds tabs of each sprite (and the stage) and look at the size of the clips you are using. Try compressing the big ones as much as you can. Make sure you haven't duplicated the sound clips too. You can use broadcasts to make sure that you only have one copy of each sound clip in the project. Also, if you have a sound clip that you only need a few seconds of, make sure that you don't have like a minute and a half of sound file. Use Audacity or some other sound editor program to edit the file down - that can save a lot of space.