You could use a variable to decide wether or not to show them... Or use the stop script block.
coolstuff wrote:
Use the "stop script" block.
For me that never works
Use a varible. enemyDefeated?
True or false. Then presumably, you would use a "if touching enemy", "set enemyDefeated" to "true". (DO NOT use an "if, else" block)
Then for the enemy put an "repeat until" "enemyDefeated? is "True" instead of a "forever"
"hope that helps"
See, I'm trying to make a level based game, with the least amount of sprites as possible. Im trying to make it so that a certain type of enemy will only show on a certain level. Thanks for the help though but my people are already on repeats and it isn't working any other ideas?
<when I receive[ show enemy
<repeat until><( <{ hide enemy }> <=> yes )>
Do whatever enemy-stuff you do
Hope this helps!