In the "upload to" box there could be an option to prevent others from saving your project onto their computers. This will stop people from learning things like "Pressing Q gives you 100 coins" by looking at your project's scripts.
ThePCKid wrote:
Hmmm, that's not the best way to make a counter argument - it doesn't explain why you think the idea should be re-considered, or suggest another way to think about it.
Babysabre wrote:
In the "upload to" box there could be an option to prevent others from saving your project onto their computers. This will stop people from learning things like "Pressing Q gives you 100 coins" by looking at your project's scripts.
It's true that this would prevent others from finding hidden features in a project. However, we make every project on the website downloadable, because seeing how something works is a great way to learn about it and programming in general. So we feel that allowing downloading and remixing is really important - so that's why we haven't added an option to prevent downloading.