16Skittles wrote:
I h8 wen pepl talk lik this. If this was real it might be big enough for me to leave the forums. or become a rebel!
if you were a rebel you would have to type LIKE THIS and this and use way to much punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and leave double spaces like this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a n d m a y b e e v e n s i n g l e s p a c e s i n b e t w e e n l e t e r s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! t h a t w o u l d b e a p a i n !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y o u m i g h t e v e n h a v e t o p u t s p a c e s i n b e t w e e n y o u r t w o m u c h p u n c t i o n l i k e t h i s ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
so typing something simple like "Does any one know how to put a picture in your signature?" would look like this: D O E S A N Y O N E K N O W H O W T O P U T A P I T U R E I N Y O U R S I G N A T U R E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Last edited by poppy640 (2010-04-05 10:41:23)
btw-itendtooveruseparenthesesifyouaskanyofmyteacherssince3rdgrade(whenilearnedwhat aparenthaseis)theywillagreewiththatstatement
Last edited by poppy640 (2010-04-05 10:48:27)
poppy640 wrote:
juststickman wrote:
half_life_2 wrote:
You know this is an april fools joke, right?
I don't think they do...
yes, yes i do (i spend so much time on the scratch website, must be lots of people here with higher iqs than my very very very smart nintendog charcol(yes i know charcoal should be spelled charcoal but nintendogs has a 7 letter name max.
Good for you.
BTW please don't double post (post twice without anyone else posting in the same thread in a short period of time).
IDontSeeHowUppercaseLettersIncreaseSizeOtherThanPhysicalDisplaySizeBecauseTheFile FormatDecidesTheNumberOfBitsUsedInEachCharacterSoItDoesntMatterIfTheyAreUppercase OrLowercaseButSpacesDoIncreaseFileSizeSoIAmWritingInCamelCaseInsteadAndNotUsing PunctuationThisIsTheMostFileSizeFriendlyAndHumanFriendlyWayToPostWithoutSomething LikeAddZerosCompressorsIHadToUseSpacesToGetThisToWrapRightSoYouCanReadItSorry
poppy640 wrote:
Last edited by nXIII (2010-04-05 17:34:05)
This feels wrong. Then again, I may say the same thing if I try typing something using the DVORAK keyboard layout.
nXIII wrote:
IDontSeeHowUppercaseLettersIncreaseSizeOtherThanPhysicalDisplaySizeBecauseTheFile FormatDecidesTheNumberOfBitsUsedInEachCharacterSoItDoesntMatterIfTheyAreUppercase OrLowercaseButSpacesDoIncreaseFileSizeSoIAmWritingInCamelCaseInsteadAndNotUsing PunctuationThisIsTheMostFileSizeFriendlyAndHumanFriendlyWayToPostWithoutSomething LikeAddZerosCompressorsIHadToUseSpacesToGetThisToWrapRightSoYouCanReadItSorry