Partly inspired by CineScratch, I'm making a new company on Scratch. no, not a Game company, as you were probably thinking. A Movie company. In it, we will work on coming up with ideas for movies, and then animating them and sharing them with the Scratch World. Here are the open positions and their descriptions (open ones are in italics):
Director (puts together the movie): Lanie
Idea Manager (comes up with ideas for movies): torterra
Script Writer 1 (Helps write the scripts): Funkymonkey
Script Writer 2 (Helps write the scripts): coolstuff
Animator 1 (Helps animate the characters):
Sprite Ripper (Rips sprites for us to use): Heybrian-
Polisher (fixes glitches/makes last-minute touch-ups): Rurigok
Advertiser (Advertises the movies we make): Jacobo
Music Programmer (finds music for us): Bluestribute
Sound Effect Programmer (finds sound effects for us): Heybrian-
Artist 1 (Draws sprites for us to use): tredog777
Background Artist 1 (draws backgrounds for us to use): adityasm9
Join now, while there's open spots! DO NOT ask to join in the gallery. That is only where we make the movies. DO NOT ask you join unless you will definatly be active.
Last edited by funkymonkey (2008-05-20 20:42:23)
its ok. judging from what you did in CineScratch, I'd say you would be a good director, but it's up to you.
Last edited by funkymonkey (2008-05-14 17:00:57)
ok, I'll put you as Director.
its ok.
if we are going to actually make a movie or show, we need some members! come on people! lol
Last edited by funkymonkey (2008-05-14 17:14:51)
ok. you won't really have to do anything until we make a movie/show, but maybe, since we don't have many members you could help get some.
just advertise around i guess. i really have no idea. ask people, post on projects. stuff like that. but if you post a link, don't post it to the gallery, post it to here
Depending on what the future holds, I can join. I have Garageband, so I odviously can use it (for an appropriate job. I don't care which). I'm also clever and have already published a book, for writing....
Bluestribute wrote:
Depending on what the future holds, I can join. I have Garageband, so I odviously can use it (for an appropriate job. I don't care which). I'm also clever and have already published a book, for writing....
for now, I'll just put you as both Music Manager and Script Writer, until we get more members, if it's ok with you
torterra wrote:
i could be idea manager. i dont know though. let me come up with an idea and lets see if you like it, ok?
ok, whats your idea?
ya, sure, so BluesTribute only has to be the Music Programmer
Aaaaw. Advertiser and script writer are taken. Is there anyway to have two advertisers? I'd really like to help advertise. If that's not possible can I help polish? I'd REALLY LIKE TO ADVERTISE THOUGH.
Jacobo wrote:
Aaaaw. Advertiser and script writer are taken. Is there anyway to have two advertisers? I'd really like to help advertise. If that's not possible can I help polish? I'd REALLY LIKE TO ADVERTISE THOUGH.
I could give up my position as advertiser. I mean, its not fair since I'm already a script writer.
coolstuff wrote:
funkymonkey wrote:
ya, sure, so BluesTribute only has to be the Music Programmer
But isn't there two positions for Script writer?
ya, im the other one.
ok, so Jacobo can be the advertiser
Last edited by funkymonkey (2008-05-14 20:10:26)
lol, why do you want to be advertiser so bad?
Episode 1: What kind of music? Happy, sad, cheerful? Rock?
go to the gallery
I went to the gallery and saw episode 1 and 4, but I can't find the mood. I can make like theme music, but I need the mood of the show