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#276 2010-04-01 14:57:04

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Also, I was thinking nXIII, under add new morph > demo there is a frame rate morph. Do you think you could get Scratch to represent that as a reporter block in sensing? it would allow projects to respond to the processing speed of a computer to make the game playable with lower quality on a slow computer etc.



#277 2010-04-01 15:09:25

Registered: 2009-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Good idea. I hve a really slow computer, and a really fast one, so I like that idea.



#278 2010-04-01 15:10:30

Registered: 2009-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

markyparky56 wrote:

urhungry wrote:

I want to also, but seeing as I'm not on the team, forget that.

You could help out, then you'd be given developer status. probably.

Well squeak has managed to make no sense to me at all, and I have a mac, so it won't save anyway.



#279 2010-04-01 15:21:04

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

that's a point, Scratch has two releases, one for mac and the other for windows. I assume Panther is in Windows but what changes do we actually need to make to render it mac compatible?



#280 2010-04-01 17:05:24

Registered: 2008-03-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

that's a point, Scratch has two releases, one for mac and the other for windows. I assume Panther is in Windows but what changes do we actually need to make to render it mac compatible?

Likely. And where do i find the link to the imagefile!?
Check out my game engine development site: NewDawn I'm a Level 171 Scratcher.I am



#281 2010-04-01 17:07:24

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

My All-in-One Mega-Post
I apologize for getting home so late...

sparks wrote:

Right, I'm thinking that sprite naming probably ought to go in sensing... but then it'll be pretty silly to have an almost empty misc catagory so I reckon that it can go in there. I repeat that the unfinished panther file you shared with us was unopenable, it wouldn't let me enter the zip folder at all  and I tried several times. Also, I meant Panther, dunno why I put python :? so what I meant was, can you get variables to drop into the name section of other variable and list blocks? eg. [set [count] to [ hi]] then you can drop reporter values into the name so you can get [set [(a variable)] to [hi]] and the same with lists. that'll make some things easier ^_^ also, I like the idea of tutorials - get them to focus on the features that sets panther apart from Scratch so that people see what it does, eg demonstrating copying, list features and so forth. Finally, did you get the copy/delete costume/sprite blocks to work properly? I'm so glad this is all working so smoothly, I'll speak later when I get back online... I'v got some robot programming to do  big_smile

Peace out.

Well, dropdowns like (hold on, this might not look so good at first) this were one of my first additions:
set [something \/] to [3]
     | something  |
     | aVariable   |
     |-----------------|    public/private divider
     | privateVar  |
     | other...     |
The 'other' option allows you to put a string instead, for variables that you create/delete during runtime. All variable/list dropdowns also accept reporters.

I didn't know about copy/delete costume, and the sprite ones I know about only work in editor mode, so I'll have to find some other function or make my own. The problem is, I'll have to create a new hat (*ugh...*) called 'when Sprite1 created' so that the newly duplicated sprites don't have to wait for some other event.

sparks wrote:

Also, I was thinking nXIII, under add new morph > demo there is a frame rate morph. Do you think you could get Scratch to represent that as a reporter block in sensing? it would allow projects to respond to the processing speed of a computer to make the game playable with lower quality on a slow computer etc.

Yeah, sure! That shouldn't be too hard because ... it's already been done by the framerate one.

sparks wrote:

oh, and you can share the Panther file with staff only if you post it in the panthertalk section (MathWizz, ask me about getting a mod account with the site.). Just drag a file element in and upload the panther file. Ta.

What do you mean 'drag a file element in'? (sorry if it's a stupid question)

Last edited by nXIII (2010-04-01 17:41:20)




#282 2010-04-01 17:10:19

Registered: 2008-03-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

nXIII wrote:

sparks wrote:

Right, I'm thinking that sprite naming probably ought to go in sensing... but then it'll be pretty silly to have an almost empty misc catagory so I reckon that it can go in there. I repeat that the unfinished panther file you shared with us was unopenable, it wouldn't let me enter the zip folder at all  and I tried several times. Also, I meant Panther, dunno why I put python :? so what I meant was, can you get variables to drop into the name section of other variable and list blocks? eg. [set [count] to [ hi]] then you can drop reporter values into the name so you can get [set [(a variable)] to [hi]] and the same with lists. that'll make some things easier ^_^ also, I like the idea of tutorials - get them to focus on the features that sets panther apart from Scratch so that people see what it does, eg demonstrating copying, list features and so forth. Finally, did you get the copy/delete costume/sprite blocks to work properly? I'm so glad this is all working so smoothly, I'll speak later when I get back online... I'v got some robot programming to do  big_smile

Peace out.

Well, dropdowns like (hold on, this might not look so good at first) this were one of my first additions:
set [something \/] to [3]
     | something  |
     | aVariable   |
     |-----------------|    public/private divider
     | privateVar  |
     | other...     |
The 'other' option allows you to put a string instead, for variables that you create/delete during runtime. All variable/list dropdowns also accept reporters.

I didn't know about copy/delete costume, and the sprite ones I know about only work in editor mode, so I'll have to find some other function or make my own. The problem is, I'll have to create a new hat (*ugh...*) called 'when Sprite1 created' so that the newly duplicated sprites don't have to wait for some other event.

You mean like the variables you create when in a loop?thats the point of a repeat (_) this many times and the repeat until, blocks.
Check out my game engine development site: NewDawn I'm a Level 171 Scratcher.I am



#283 2010-04-01 17:41:44

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

markyparky56 wrote:

You mean like the variables you create when in a loop?thats the point of a repeat (_) this many times and the repeat until, blocks.

No, I don't.....

I mean, variables you create like 'make [aVar]; set [aVar] to [2]; delete [aVar]'

Anybody want to design the default sprite?

Last edited by nXIII (2010-04-01 19:49:15)




#284 2010-04-01 20:49:56

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Hey nXIII, you can upload files to the Panther site, I think. At least on Google sites you can.



#285 2010-04-02 03:42:08

Registered: 2009-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Any way for a move _ steps in _ direction block too be added? This would be rather usefull to me.



#286 2010-04-02 06:11:05

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

You most definetly can addd files to the panther site. When you log in as an admin, there's a toolbar at the top of the screen with things like, paragraph, title and picture elements. click the multimedia tab on the top left of the screen, drop the "file" icon onto the page, click on it and select your file from the browser that pops up. If you want it to only be viewable to mods, click the "pages" tab at the top and then choose new page. name it whatever and then select "no" from the drop down "show in navigation page. this page is now hidden. click the blue "edit page" button and it'll take you to the page you made. If you upload the file there, the only way to get there will be through the page tab. That means only we can see it.

@ urhungry: how is
[move ( ) steps in direction ( )]
any different from the script
[point in direction ( )]
[move ( ) steps]



#287 2010-04-02 06:23:59

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

What colour should the new catagories be? what colour do you think would best portray mesh? or do you alredy have the colours set? I know that's not hard to change because It's the first thing i lernt. Also, you seem to be reluctant to make a new hat (I find it weird how the hat is made of two parts) "when sprite 1 created" but do you really need that? if the sprite is copied from another sprite, the first sprite can set a local variable "new?" no yes just before it is copied. it can then set it back to no one the copy is done and broadcast something. a  |if <(my new)=[yes]>| script will allow only newly cloned sprite so react to the broadcast. (setting their new? to no.) . It's a long and complicated compared to a hat, but it would eliminate it's need for anything but convenience.



#288 2010-04-02 15:51:31

Registered: 2008-03-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

I say that we make it a jet black panther which has three costumes, 2 running and a standing. Put up a competition in the requests forum.
Check out my game engine development site: NewDawn I'm a Level 171 Scratcher.I am



#289 2010-04-02 16:43:17

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

What colour should the new catagories be? what colour do you think would best portray mesh? or do you alredy have the colours set? I know that's not hard to change because It's the first thing i lernt. Also, you seem to be reluctant to make a new hat (I find it weird how the hat is made of two parts) "when sprite 1 created" but do you really need that? if the sprite is copied from another sprite, the first sprite can set a local variable "new?" no yes just before it is copied. it can then set it back to no one the copy is done and broadcast something. a  |if <(my new)=[yes]>| script will allow only newly cloned sprite so react to the broadcast. (setting their new? to no.) . It's a long and complicated compared to a hat, but it would eliminate it's need for anything but convenience.

I tried this, but what about other copies that, say, wait until they are clicked, then do something, then wait until they are clicked again. You either need a bunch of if-else statements, or a new hat (which I will now make). I haven't done the mesh blocks, sorry. Expect a release of either April 4 or April 6. Or, if I get like 2 million new requests, April 11. I actually have time to work on it on the weekends. And Tuesdays...

Last edited by nXIII (2010-04-02 20:37:47)




#290 2010-04-02 16:44:40

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

markyparky56 wrote:

I say that we make it a jet black panther which has three costumes, 2 running and a standing. Put up a competition in the requests forum.

What happened to an alphablended square (JK)?!
I will just make a... something in my paint editor. (not to be confused with MS Paint)




#291 2010-04-02 22:06:11

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

OK, how about this:
Really random, I know.

Last edited by nXIII (2010-04-02 22:06:27)




#292 2010-04-02 22:07:58

Registered: 2009-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

@ urhungry: how is
[move ( ) steps in direction ( )]
any different from the script
[point in direction ( )]
[move ( ) steps]

oh, right.....
i forgot.



#293 2010-04-02 22:58:54

Registered: 2007-09-11
Posts: 18

Re: Panther development thread

How about this boolean:
when i receive (brodcast goes here)



#294 2010-04-02 23:37:04

Registered: 2009-07-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

ok, i have officially started modifying the source code. i cant write my own blocks, but i have added several blocks others have made. btw, how do you add keys for the list of keys? i would like the shift and backspace keys to be in my scratch version.



#295 2010-04-03 05:43:59

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-11-05
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

nXIII wrote:

OK, how about this:
Really random, I know.

O_o aaaaahhh! I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that! That is AWESOME! I think that would look great as the icon, it's a little more professional looking than the scratch one, which suggests to people that you can do more with Panther. I reckon some kind of panther sprite as default sprite like the scratch cat would be good.

oh yes HOLIDAYS! XD woooo!

and by the way if someone DOES want to make a little taster video, be that with screen toaster or something else, Weebly will only let us actually embed it into the site as a flash file or youtube video. I don't know how you'd go about putting a video into a flash file, but It might be possible. Youtube would be great too, I just don't have an account.

Have a nice weekend.



#296 2010-04-03 07:41:59

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Yeah, I'm sticking to a tutorial project.

I'm going to wait until the developer release of 1.0 is out.



#297 2010-04-03 12:10:23

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

sparks wrote:

nXIII wrote:

OK, how about this:
Really random, I know.

O_o aaaaahhh! I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that! That is AWESOME! I think that would look great as the icon, it's a little more professional looking than the scratch one, which suggests to people that you can do more with Panther. I reckon some kind of panther sprite as default sprite like the scratch cat would be good.

oh yes HOLIDAYS! XD woooo!

and by the way if someone DOES want to make a little taster video, be that with screen toaster or something else, Weebly will only let us actually embed it into the site as a flash file or youtube video. I don't know how you'd go about putting a video into a flash file, but It might be possible. Youtube would be great too, I just don't have an account.

Have a nice weekend.

I think ScreenToaster has an experimental feature that allows you to convert it to a SWF.
I will make one when I finish up some stuff.

That was supposed to be the starting sprite, but whatever... I'll make something else. *sobs* goodbye, alphablending!

NOTE: the misc category is empty, it's kind of a long story but I need it there and I don't need another category, so I'm just going to leave it even though there's nothing there.

olivercrazy wrote:

How about this boolean:
when i receive (brodcast goes here)

It's a bit hard to do.

Last edited by nXIII (2010-04-03 12:13:02)




#298 2010-04-03 12:39:13

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

Are the mesh blocks completed?



#299 2010-04-03 13:04:52

Registered: 2009-08-09
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

screentoaster allows you to upload to youtube, yeah.

anybody other than me have a youtube account?

hey kiddoes i'm back



#300 2010-04-03 15:09:25

Community Moderator
Registered: 2009-04-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Panther development thread

SeptimusHeap wrote:

Are the mesh blocks completed?

No, they're really hard to do... and it semi-crashes Scratch if it encounters an error halfway through.




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