Could you provide me with the email address of the NSF grant officer for the Scratch Project? I would like to register a formal complaint about the project's failure to comply with the following clause in NSF Grant No. 0325828:
"Scratch source code will be made freely available via periodic code releases to allow collaborators to augment the core system with their own custom features and extensions."
Thank you.
Thanks for your interest in Scratch.
We plan to release the source code for Scratch sometime later this year. We have been very busy getting the software and website ready for public release. Now that the website is up and running, we expect that we will have more time to get the source code ready to share.
Please check back in a few months. Or, if you'd like to find out more about our plans (or to make suggestions), please feel free to contact me (mres at media-dot-mit-dot-edu) or John Maloney (jmaloney at media-dot-mit-dot-edu), who is in charge of software development on the project.
Mitchel Resnick
Professor of Learning Research
MIT Media Lab
Last edited by mres (2007-03-26 11:14:42)