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I am about to say something shocking: I dislike "Add Yourself" projects. Oh wait. I also dislike the recent scourge of "VS" projects. What's the use? The only point of those projects is for people to remix them. And remixing takes virtually no effort: Scratchers just add a picture of themselves. These projects utilize NO scripts at all, defeating the purpose of Scratch as a learning tool. I am further shocked by their appeal to newcomers. How are newcomers going to learn anything about Scratch if they are pasting themselves running from a boulder with Lugia or rolling with Luigi and Megaman? The "Add Yourself" projects only appear on the front page because they are remixed so often. The projects aren't even art! Is a slightly tilted Megaman "art"? And the recent "VS" projects worsen things. Their use of lists doesn't teach anybody about lists: people just slap their name into the list and post it. These projects are useless and are detracting from Scratch's real value. Who's with me?? *chirp chirp chirp*
There are reasons for the remixing. Some are:
• It easily gives fame to unknown users
• New programmers can easily remix projects
• It can be fun
masterhand7 wrote:
I am about to say something shocking: I dislike "Add Yourself" projects. Oh wait. I also dislike the recent scourge of "VS" projects. What's the use? The only point of those projects is for people to remix them. And remixing takes virtually no effort: Scratchers just add a picture of themselves. These projects utilize NO scripts at all, defeating the purpose of Scratch as a learning tool. I am further shocked by their appeal to newcomers. How are newcomers going to learn anything about Scratch if they are pasting themselves running from a boulder with Lugia or rolling with Luigi and Megaman? The "Add Yourself" projects only appear on the front page because they are remixed so often. The projects aren't even art! Is a slightly tilted Megaman "art"? And the recent "VS" projects worsen things. Their use of lists doesn't teach anybody about lists: people just slap their name into the list and post it. These projects are useless and are detracting from Scratch's real value. Who's with me?? *chirp chirp chirp*
A remixer would just say:
"I hate scratch as programming because it takes too long and I don't know how to scratch anyway. Plus, remixing is fun, easy and also gives me a chance of getting on the front page."
Remixing is fun anyway
I hate them too.
I don`t like them, but it`s a good way for the people who do like them to create a project which some people will enjoy remixing.
Also, it gives a chance for people to find other users who make similar projects, possibly letting them create a collaboration.
I wish they would just take off the top remixed section altogether
bhz wrote:
I wish they would just take off the top remixed section altogether
bhz wrote:
I wish they would just take off the top remixed section altogether
This. It's pretty much a waste of frontpage space. Do we really need a section full of "add yourself" projects?
Top Remixed isn't bad, the chains are. I just ignore them
Removing Top Remixed might disencourage (sp?) remix chains because people will not be able to get popular by making them. But it also might disencourage remixing, I'm not sure how but I think the Scratch Team will have a reason
Last edited by technoguyx (2010-03-24 21:16:47)
Yes, I noticed that this makes scratch look like more like a gateway tool than it does.
Oh, and a lot of Honest-to-good projects get lost in them (See what I did there?)
I like remixing when you use a system to make a platformer or something similar.
I dislike remixing when it sounds like what Master Hand described.
I agree with Masterhand7 I am a newcomer and all my games are remixs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps, chirp chirp chirp!
lilnick612 wrote:
I agree with Masterhand7 I am a newcomer and all my games are remixs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps, chirp chirp chirp!
Remixing is okay, but try making some projects of your own too. Try looking at tutorials or other projects to see how some things are done.
I dont see the point of the chains, The top remixed block, i think, was originaly put there for Collaberations, but its just been exploited.
BWOG wrote:
RHY3756547 wrote:
bhz wrote:
I wish they would just take off the top remixed section altogether
+1000 for you, RHY.
enough with the random posts!
markyparky56 wrote:
I dont see the point of the chains, The top remixed block, i think, was originaly put there for Collaberations, but its just been exploited.
I guess it was supposed to show useful projects that have been used as a base or help for other projects. The chains have absolutely no point.
technoguyx wrote:
markyparky56 wrote:
I dont see the point of the chains, The top remixed block, i think, was originaly put there for Collaberations, but its just been exploited.
I guess it was supposed to show useful projects that have been used as a base or help for other projects. The chains have absolutely no point.
I`ve got to admit, though, the site starts to seem a bit overcrowded when half of the new projects are "add yourself" projects with nothing but a single sprite on a white background...
I Dont Want To Be Rude But Still Its Fun and allows Scratchers to make their creativity in
whats going on even a unanimated backround can be awsome belive me I Think They
are Ok I Dissagree! Thank You!
littletonkslover wrote:
BWOG wrote:
RHY3756547 wrote:
+1000+1000 for you, RHY.
I agree, remixed should be off.
Scratch encourages remixing, but I really hate the front page remixed section.
Although every once in a while there comes out something interesting.
We can't take off something if others have grown fond of it. That's like un-installing scratch off of all of our computers because one or two people dislike scratch. I think remixing should stay.
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