What do you guys look for in a project that's featured. One of my worst games is featured. It doesn't show anything abou how to use Scratch, I don't think it's very fun, so why is it up?
here are things they look for...
-puzzles= games that take skill and thought
-good stories= games that have a good plot, and characters
-new discoveries= such as 3d, scrolling, and advanced technologies and etc
- and last good graphics in either game or movie
Freestylin_Monkey wrote:
here are things they look for...
-puzzles= games that take skill and thought
-good stories= games that have a good plot, and characters
-new discoveries= such as 3d, scrolling, and advanced technologies and etc
- and last good graphics in either game or movie
They also look for fun games.
Educational projects are a good idea. Projects associated with a holiday are also picked, but being featured is mostly luck of the draw.