Hey guys! I'm Kietail(kies)! Some of you may have seen me on forums.warriorcats.com........I think I was permantly kicked off for supposably swearing......yeah......Anyways, HI!!!!!!! I can only get on at certain points in the day though but I may chat a bit when I'm in FL during the next week.
Welcome I hope you enjoy your time here. Any questions, feel free to ask
I do have a question. If you have an account on forums.warriorcats.com, please give a message to my two best friends on there saying that I was suspended from there for defending my friends. The two are Goldenspirit and (heart)Shinningmoon(heart). Please and thankyou.
Kietail wrote:
(...) I was suspended from there for defending my friends.
Swearing isn't really the best way to defend someone
Welcome to Scratch, hope you enjoy your stay
The dude got on my last nerve. If we were in person and he did that, he would be in the hospital by now.....and the rest of his life. I'm sorry but I grew up hard and learned to defend myself as well as others. The dude was turning all us USers against eachother by putting up a "Obama haters unite!" thing. Some of us, me included, said that it was pretty rude to be doing that and he told us to F off and started calling my best friend on there a Fn B and many other things. I can't take that from people without my temper going insanley bad.
If you've ever read the Outsiders, it's alot like that, but no weapons and constant rumbles and smoking. But we hang out in groups, almost like gangs, but they aren't. Anyway, you have the ones that are like Socs (popular, perfect, my brother), Ones like Tim Shepard's gang and Brumley Boys (bad kids, always in Detention or ISS or OSS, my other brother) and the Greasers, bad kids, but not horrible, temper and not afraid to fight don't pick fights, fight for what they beleive in, thaat's where I am. I'm most like Two-Bit usually, but when you get on my nerves like that other kid did, I'm full out Dally, pretty much like, say one more thing and I'll punch you in the throat kinda way. People in my school have experianced 1/2 of that and they haven't bugged me since. I never did that but I made it clear I would.
Like it says in my description, I'm usually a happy person like I am now. So....
:] :] :]
Kies-the Baritone peep!
The best thing to do in those cases is reporting the post (through a "Report" button like the one we have there) instead of swearing back.