How do you have a game featured, i have a big game coming and i would like many people to try it.
People from the scratch team pick whatever project they feel like picking to be featured. There to no way you can make your own project get featured. But you could always try advertising it on the show and tell forums.
You basically have to impress the scratch team, when i say impress i dont mean make the best game or have a really complex project, make it enjoyable for all members of all ages, and make it your style
DoctorB, all-
We generally look for projects that do something new & unique, showcase a feature of Scratch, or are generally cool and interesting. We try and show a diversity of ages, gender, and skill level. In general, we like to showcase projects that are original and not only based on something from TV, movies, or existing games. We avoid featuring projects which are violent, offensive, or harmful to others. Good Luck!
mletreat wrote:
DoctorB, all-
We generally look for projects that do something new & unique, showcase a feature of Scratch, or are generally cool and interesting. We try and show a diversity of ages, gender, and skill level. In general, we like to showcase projects that are original and not only based on something from TV, movies, or existing games. We avoid featuring projects which are violent, offensive, or harmful to others. Good Luck!
Than please explain why my Minesweeper was featured? Out of all my games, why that one? Why not like Yahtzee (which took me a couple weeks) or MTV'S Pimp My Ride?
maybe because those are based on existing games or TV or watever.
i don't think any of my projects have been featured, but a lot of my galleries have been. "Flaming Trout Inc" three times i think, "Brisingr" once, one of the "Scratch Award" galleries once, and the "Main Scratch Award" gallery once.
Bluestribute wrote:
Why not like Yahtzee (which took me a couple weeks) or MTV'S Pimp My Ride?
Maybe because they are not original, but based on something else and uses non-original graphics. Minesweeper, on the other hand, used original graphics and preformed the game from a new approach.
ALSO: projects are featured if it's logo for Scratch is used, in addition to what is said above.