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i am trying to get my backgroud to change when i press a button but i cant get the background to change what should i do
If you want help, it's best to make a thread about it rather than bump an existing one if it isn't related. ;)
As for your question, what will the background change to? If you want it to move to the next one, use the [next background] block. For the previous one, use [switch to background [(((background)) - (1))]. For specific ones, you'll need to code them seperately...
Wildcat2012 wrote:
i am trying to get my backgroud to change when i press a button but i cant get the background to change what should i do
Hi Wildcat2012 - I broke your question out into it's own topic. In the future, please use the "Post new topic" in the upper right area of the page to make a new topic of your own.
You probably want the Broadcast block. Here's a tutorial that might help you out:
Scratch on!
<when[ ]key pressed><switch to costume[
<when[ ]key pressed><next costume>
Wildcat2012 wrote:
i am trying to get my backgroud to change when i press a button but i cant get the background to change what should i do
A button? A button normally means either a button on screen or a button on the keyboard. So...
Button on screen:
<when[ button ]clicked>
<switch to costume[(background)
Or use
<when[ button ]clicked>
<next costume>
Button on keyboard:
<when[ ]key pressed>
<switch to costume[(background)
Or use
<when[ ]key pressed>
<next costume>
Hope that helps!
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Pages: 1