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Nominate someone elses projects for the Scratch 2010 Awards!
The winners get 1 loveit and favorite on 10 of their projects. These are the awards:
Most Viewed that got nominated
Most Loved that got nominated
Got nominated the most times
Is very funny (Like this, )
Not too viewed though deserves to be viewed!
Most times on Front Page
Funniest Project
Funniest Series
Funniest animation
Best Animation
Best or Funniest something else
Most Voted (You can also vote for projects as a reply, or on my gallery, Scratch 2010 Awards)
Chosen by a Moderator
Best Project (Like Archmages projects)
Oldest Project
Newest project to get many views
Most Favorited
(All of them are from the nominated ones, I won't just put one with 20,000 views unless it gets nominated). (I nominate them, you vote for them on the gallery or just reply on this thread) (Just put a link and I will see it and If I think it is one of the above, it will get nominated!) (After they get nominated, I will make a gallery on the ones that got nominated. You vote on the projects, for example *I vote for Sonic63's Halo 3 for Most Loved because it has 400 Love Its! etc.
Duplicate Topic
Ace-of-Spades wrote:
Duplicate Topic
Yeah... but it's all about scratch. I can put in about everything... right? As long as it is not inappropriate... right?
No, there should only be one of each topic.
Please limit yourself to one topic per subject. Let's use the Show and Tell one since more people responded to it
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Pages: 1