How about this: Whenever you post something, you can choose the multiple sections it can go into. Like a check box where you can choose where to enter your post. What do you think?
Hmmm... I like that idea. But can you give an example that could fall into multiple forum categories? I'm sure that would more heavily nfluence the moderators to make this change. Scratch on!
I don't find it necessary, I've never seen any forum with something like this anyway - if you think your topic fits in 2 or more sections, think in which one it'd fit better.
Paddle2See already got onto you for posting the same topic in multiple forums, now you suggest it as a change?
This would cause way to many repeats of stuff because people would feel pressured to add to two subjects, and just because they might fit in two, think which one really would say "Add something like [topic name] or blahabala" if it's explanation was further elaborated.
It seems like it would mainly be used to post ads in every category possible. Sorry, it wouldn't really work.