1 + 1
6 + 8
What is the all time most search google search?
Britney Spears
Last edited by geckofreak (2008-05-07 11:47:50)
I was also thinking that we should make them do interactive stuff, like pressing certain keys (for example, there's a row of keys labelled 1-5 and it says, press key 1 and instead of clicking the key labelled "1" they press the 1 key)
Have you played the impossible quiz. I was thinking we could do questions like those ones
By the way, your mini city dwarfs mine. New Gecko City has just one building
It is one of the most popular games on the web
I'm back. And for the quiz, little FYI: I'm a nerd. State spelling bee, brain bowl medalist, rubkis cube solver, among other things. Always in GT (nerd class).
Is it ok if the RPG is a frog?
Bluestribute wrote:
I'm back. And for the quiz, little FYI: I'm a nerd. State spelling bee, brain bowl medalist, rubkis cube solver, among other things. Always in GT (nerd class).
So am I. I go to a school that has a special math/science/comp science program for the smartest kids in the county. I'm in the program. My math, science and compsicence classes are magnet level (higher then GT) and all my other classes are GT level
We Should call the quiz Krazy Kwiz. Lol.
I was also wondering what job tintin2006 has
geckofreak wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
I'm back. And for the quiz, little FYI: I'm a nerd. State spelling bee, brain bowl medalist, rubkis cube solver, among other things. Always in GT (nerd class).
So am I. I go to a school that has a special math/science/comp science program for the smartest kids in the county. I'm in the program. My math, science and compsicence classes are magnet level (higher then GT) and all my other classes are GT level
What a coincidence! I am in a special class for being one of the smartest in the region! Of course, I never participated in spelling bees and stuff like such, because the oppurtunity never arose. Still, I love this program (at my old school people hated me because I was smart, but then I switched to my special program and became 'normal'.
Tintin2006 is a programmer.
I updated Storm. Please Help brainstorm questions for The Krazy Kwiz (the name I'm giving the quiz game
coolstuff wrote:
geckofreak wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
I'm back. And for the quiz, little FYI: I'm a nerd. State spelling bee, brain bowl medalist, rubkis cube solver, among other things. Always in GT (nerd class).
So am I. I go to a school that has a special math/science/comp science program for the smartest kids in the county. I'm in the program. My math, science and compsicence classes are magnet level (higher then GT) and all my other classes are GT level
What a coincidence! I am in a special class for being one of the smartest in the region! Of course, I never participated in spelling bees and stuff like such, because the oppurtunity never arose. Still, I love this program (at my old school people hated me because I was smart, but then I switched to my special program and became 'normal'.
Tintin2006 is a programmer.
Cool. I have agood question: Square Root of Pi.
A= 1.7724...
Not the greatest question for the reason pi is an irrational number. Also, it is to serious of a question
geckofreak wrote:
Not the greatest question for the reason pi is an irrational number. Also, it is to serious of a question
I know. It's just useless knowledge I know... Like everything I know, like pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the Englishj language and means black lung diesease...
That might be a good question. What is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?
A disease
Last edited by geckofreak (2008-05-07 17:15:27)
I'm about to realease a demo of Krazy Kwiz
Why do dumb people never get sick?
A: Cuz they're too dumb to realize it? Ha ._. bad joke of mine