I'm new at scratch and making my first game, however I have come across a problem. I want to make it so that once your score is at a certain point you will progress a level, but cant seem to make the variability's work. Any possibilities?
Make a script continously check if the variable equals a certain point (use a boolean block). Once the variable equals the right amount, the script should change the level.
Try using the Wait Until block. You can set it so that when the variable reaches a certain value, a broadcast is sent that changes the background and repositions the sprites.
<when green flag clicked>
<set{ Score }to( 0
<broadcast[ Set Level 1 ]
<wait until><( Score <>> 100 )>
<broadcast[ Set Level 2 ]
<wait until><( Score <>> 400 )>
<broadcast[ Set Level 3 ]
I have a theory that the Wait Until block bogs the project down less than a Forever Loop with IF block tests.
Well, I guess you would do this: make a variable called for example, points or experience, and the one called "level", and say,
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if> <( <{ experience or points }> <=> certain number )>
<set{ level }to( certain number }>
at least I guess it would be that way tell me if it has a glitch that way
Last edited by Cmodude (2010-03-13 08:17:01)
But Paddle2See's is better than mine