Hello. I am making a company. Gamespot. If you would like to join, i will see if you can get in. Dont feel bad if you get rejected though.
Head of Gamespot: Heybrian
Second in command: Nikkiperson2
Programmer 1: Heybrian
Programmer 2: Dastyruck
Programmer 3: dsdude
Programmer 4: Rurigok
Art Director: Open
Artist 1: Digifox?
Artist 2: Open
Sprite ripper 1: Heybrian
Sprite ripper 2: Open
Beta tester 1: Tintin2006
Beta tester 2: Open
Graphic specializer: Open
Advertiser: (person can do this AND something else) Open
Polisher: (Fixes bugs and makes thing like scrolling smooth) Open
Sound director:
Sound effects: Coolstuff
Join now while you can!
Go to this gallery once you are a member, or if you have any questions about this company. http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/18089
Copyright: 2008, All rights reserved
Last edited by Heybrian- (2008-05-08 22:19:48)
What kind of games do you make? I need to feel important
Let me know when you're starting, and if you need (or want) more people, I'll join.
Heybrian- wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
Let me know when you're starting, and if you need (or want) more people, I'll join.
So.... basically your not joining.
Well, I dunno. If Moon Thief gets popular, I'l work on that. Othwise I have nothing to do, so I could join
well heybrian, i would love to be second in command. That way i could do a little bit of everything AND be co-leader ^^ right?
i would like to be third in comand.k heybrain we might have notted ends with each outher but this is differnt......im in gs(girl scout troop 5363)and my dads a computer teack..thats the only reason i know scratch outher then my gs troop takeing a firl trip to google...his work bulding and thay let us get on labtops and look at scratch......if u sayy no plz give me anouther job~Zoe Greenberg,Staten Island NY,7:53 05/05/08
These are some blocks to snap to geather when createing a scratch....use then wisely V(blocks to use)
<change[ color ]effect by( <mouse y><when[ space ]key pressed>
nikkiperson2 wrote:
well heybrian, i would love to be second in command. That way i could do a little bit of everything AND be co-leader ^^ right?
you'll still be in FT tho right?
I wanna be beta tester or maybe programmer 2? O_o I'm kinda new though
Heybrian- wrote:
tintin2006 wrote:
I wanna be beta tester or maybe programmer 2? O_o I'm kinda new though
You can be beta tester.
Thanks very much!
can I be a beta tester?
You know, Gamespot is trademarked. Of course what do I care. But so many jobs I could do:
-Beta Tester
-Sound effects
So many choices. Please choose. I know where to get good sprites, I like to test out games, I know some sounds. And I could do the finishing touches, what happened wrong. How about, I can be a beta tester and test out the game (with whoever else) and then I can be the polisher and fix anything up. How about it?