I like to use keyboard patterns. (NO, I have never used this one before)
Skipped the row "yhn"
Something even better would be
Capital, Capital, Lower Case, repeat in the famous qwerty pattern.
Something else to do is something like
[first letter of first name] [first letter of last name] [last 3 numbers in your ZIP code] [old password backwards] [last letter of favorite word] [type of computer you have]
So lets say there's this guy named Bobby Joe, his ZIP was 12345, his old password was "hello", his favorite word is bubble, and he is using a Windows7.
His password would be
Now let's add the SHIFT pattern: SHIFT, SHIFT, no shift, Repeat (and yes, he will do it on numbers to).
Now, let's say that Bobby has paranoia. So he will do this BACKWARDS!
What hacker would guess that your password was "&sWOdNIwEHeLLo^$3JB"?
Just as suggestion...
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
whenever I refer to andresmh, I call him Andrés.
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xP
LOL. Wait until Andrés sees that!
coolperson wrote:
Mr_X wrote:
It's called having no life
I don't mean to be mean, but generally when people say things like "You have no life" It means that they're jealous about the person that has 100% more life than them.
lol.Have a password that does not match the username
Username: Mycamera8myhomework
Password: OMGPOTATO!!!
Really, you should not do theis:
Username: Tailsdoll
Password: Canyoufeelthesunshine?
Too Obvious,Abd Tails doll will be ticked,and believe me, you do not want that.
Jonathanpb wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
whenever I refer to andresmh, I call him Andrés.
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xPNo! I only have Alt 0233 (é) and 0235 (ë) memorized. I just press random keys...
I notice that 129 and 0220 produce ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?
Yo, "Andrés"?
rdococ wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xPNo! I only have Alt 0233 (é) and 0235 (ë) memorized. I just press random keys...
I notice that 129 and 0220 produce ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?Yo, "Andrés"?
His name is Andrés.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-02-21 05:23:08)
Whenever I feel like it I add some characters to my password... it's not like changing the password, but it helps.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-02-21 23:27:48)
I like it, i think this should be stickied, my computing teacher told everyone in his class to change their passwords to something other than the defult given by the server manager, which was just 6 numbers, because someone was hacking into peoples acount. It involves all the things you talka bout other than the alt pad symbols, because id never remember the codes.
I don't think this should be stickied... it isn't Scratch related. I made this because people were panicking about a "Scratch hacker".
Jonathanpb wrote:
I don't think this should be stickied... it isn't Scratch related. I made this because people were panicking about a "Scratch hacker".
Well it is related to Scratch since people SHOULD know how to make a good password to make their account on the scratch website will be secrue.
markyparky56 wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
I don't think this should be stickied... it isn't Scratch related. I made this because people were panicking about a "Scratch hacker".
Well it is related to Scratch since people SHOULD know how to make a good password to make their account on the scratch website will be secrue.
Tottaly! I'm in.
This is the fourth or fifth (or more) time this topic has been bumped... It's too popular...
Jonathanpb wrote:
This is the fourth or fifth (or more) time this topic has been bumped...
It's too popular...
Its a good thread, dont you want people to know about how to make a good password?
Interestingly, I can make the word 'Scratch' into a very secure password:
1. Scratch ... Start
2. Hctarcs ... Backwards
3. H(t4rc$ ... Some character replacements
4. ]-[(-|-4rc$ ... More character replacements, this time with multiple characters
5. %2A$]-[(-|-4rc$^! ... Added postfix and prefix
There you go: '%2A$]-[-|-r4rc$^!', a very secure password.
markyparky56 wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
This is the fourth or fifth (or more) time this topic has been bumped...
It's too popular...
Its a good thread, dont you want people to know about how to make a good password?
Yes, but there are other topics that deserve more.
nXIII wrote:
Interestingly, I can make the word 'Scratch' into a very secure password:
1. Scratch ... Start
2. Hctarcs ... Backwards
3. H(t4rc$ ... Some character replacements
4. ]-[(-|-4rc$ ... More character replacements, this time with multiple characters
5. %2A$]-[(-|-4rc$^! ... Added postfix and prefix
There you go: '%2A$]-[-|-r4rc$^!', a very secure password.
That's brilliant, nxIII!
nXIII wrote:
Interestingly, I can make the word 'Scratch' into a very secure password:
1. Scratch ... Start
2. Hctarcs ... Backwards
3. H(t4rc$ ... Some character replacements
4. ]-[(-|-4rc$ ... More character replacements, this time with multiple characters
5. %2A$]-[(-|-4rc$^! ... Added postfix and prefix
There you go: '%2A$]-[-|-r4rc$^!', a very secure password.
It's an excellent technique, but how are we supposed to memorize '%2A$]-[-|-r4rc$^!'?
You can always put it in a document, and whenever you need to log in, you copy and paste the password.
It's not that bad to memorize though...
nXIII wrote:
Interestingly, I can make the word 'Scratch' into a very secure password:
1. Scratch ... Start
2. Hctarcs ... Backwards
3. H(t4rc$ ... Some character replacements
4. ]-[(-|-4rc$ ... More character replacements, this time with multiple characters
5. %2A$]-[(-|-4rc$^! ... Added postfix and prefix
There you go: '%2A$]-[-|-r4rc$^!', a very secure password.
But can you remember it? Thats the thing...
My trick to make easy to remember but hard to hack password is to think of few words or an expression or slogan that's related to the site you're making a password for, and then to convert it to l33t, replace the spaces with '_' - result: easy to remember long-ish passwords that use capitalisation, letters and numbers and symbols!
For the scratch website: I love to program! -> 1_L0v3_2_Pr0gr4m!
Llamalover wrote:
My trick to make easy to remember but hard to hack password is to think of few words or an expression or slogan that's related to the site you're making a password for, and then to convert it to l33t, replace the spaces with '_' - result: easy to remember long-ish passwords that use capitalisation, letters and numbers and symbols!
For the scratch website: I love to program! -> 1_L0v3_2_Pr0gr4m!
To easy to crack, maybe
1_L()\/3 t\/\/0_|)r()gr4|\/|!
Maybe better?
past the obvious passwords, which is just stupid, a hacker isn't going to waste a day trying to get into some random account on a kid's programing website.
Last edited by fireball123 (2010-03-07 05:29:55)
fireball123 wrote:
past the obvious passwords, which is just stupid, a hacker isn't going to waste a day trying to get into some random account on a kid's programing website.
Then what do you call the past instances of people having been hacked, and this isn't a Kids Programming site, its just a community with all ages.
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
whenever I refer to andresmh, I call him Andrés.
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xP
I know ALT 0149