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#1201 2010-03-04 17:01:05

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

Nexstudent wrote:

poopo wrote:

Nexstudent wrote:

I'll just post it:

Nexstudent's guide on pokemon battling.....


You want to have a good team that has varying types. If you have a team with all one type, and if you have a type disadvantage, its almost certainly over unless you level is far larger than the foe's. You want type differences such as grass and water, because if one has a disadvantage, than the other can have a better aspect of winning.


You want pokemon that are strong. Stronger pokemon usually come form starters, or are form rarer pokemon. Pokemon like beldum and bagon may be weak, but they are extremely powerful when fully evolved. There are also some pokemon that have better moves, such as Absol and Lickylicky. They may not be of power supremacy, but they can have a good advantage if they know the right moves!


When you have an attack or move, you want to be able to match it with another. It is good if you poison a pokemon upon dying, continuing the pain of that pokemon. Powerful moves may be useful, but thay can bring you down. If you have all powerful moves, they'll eventually run out of PP, and endanger the current pokemon. It is good to have ranged moves. ember may not win you the whole thing, but a simple burn could win it for you. That burn could finish off a pokemon after yours dies, and all your others have a disadvantage.That burn saved you, didnt it?
      Healing moves can be useful to. You have to know the right time to use them though, if your about to die, its not a good idea to heal you paralysis with aromatherapy, is it? It would be better to use something like recover, or slack off. If your at full health, but you are badly poisoned, that will catch up to you, with its growing effects, so then would be a good time to use a heal bell (poopo:heal bell is a move that is only in the gamecube game xd gale of darkness) type attack! Matching it up os a good idea, for you can make up for lost times!


Stat changes may not seem dangerous, but they can be very crucial in the foes plan. If your defense is lowered while they charge an attack, your health is prepared for a major drop. Lowering the foes attack can be useful when charging a two turn attack, because they can not do much while you charge up. If your accuracy is dropped too low, a lot of your moves will become unsuccessful, and if that happens, than your strategy will crash. If accuracy is too low, it will make powerful moves almost never hit.
You want to have accuracy heightening moves, or stat change destructive moves like haze.


If you know what the foe is doing, than the battle will become much easier. You want to memorize the foe's pokemons' moves. if you know what each move is capable of, and you can counter the power, stat or status change with the right moves! Identifying the foe's favorite type is good too. Having a pokemon with type ranged moves that are good against the foes type can be useful too. Identifying the foes favorite type will be easy!

thank you

only made a minor statement up there in good moves to learn

Im terribly sorry if i had got mad, but i just dont like people messing with my stuff. Im very sensitive of what people think of what i do. Ive been a perfectionist since fourth grade. Thank you for making a simple statement. I do realize that... thank you for pointing that out. Heal bell is an attack in Pokemon mystery dungeon 2, so i got confused XD !

It's an attack in normal pokemon too T.T

And your guide doesn't really cover a lot. Try revising it and add more.



#1202 2010-03-04 17:20:42

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

Nexstudent wrote:

poopo wrote:

Nexstudent wrote:

I'll just post it:

Nexstudent's guide on pokemon battling.....


You want to have a good team that has varying types. If you have a team with all one type, and if you have a type disadvantage, its almost certainly over unless you level is far larger than the foe's. You want type differences such as grass and water, because if one has a disadvantage, than the other can have a better aspect of winning.


You want pokemon that are strong. Stronger pokemon usually come form starters, or are form rarer pokemon. Pokemon like beldum and bagon may be weak, but they are extremely powerful when fully evolved. There are also some pokemon that have better moves, such as Absol and Lickylicky. They may not be of power supremacy, but they can have a good advantage if they know the right moves!


When you have an attack or move, you want to be able to match it with another. It is good if you poison a pokemon upon dying, continuing the pain of that pokemon. Powerful moves may be useful, but thay can bring you down. If you have all powerful moves, they'll eventually run out of PP, and endanger the current pokemon. It is good to have ranged moves. ember may not win you the whole thing, but a simple burn could win it for you. That burn could finish off a pokemon after yours dies, and all your others have a disadvantage.That burn saved you, didnt it?
      Healing moves can be useful to. You have to know the right time to use them though, if your about to die, its not a good idea to heal you paralysis with aromatherapy, is it? It would be better to use something like recover, or slack off. If your at full health, but you are badly poisoned, that will catch up to you, with its growing effects, so then would be a good time to use a heal bell (poopo:heal bell is a move that is only in the gamecube game xd gale of darkness) type attack! Matching it up os a good idea, for you can make up for lost times!


Stat changes may not seem dangerous, but they can be very crucial in the foes plan. If your defense is lowered while they charge an attack, your health is prepared for a major drop. Lowering the foes attack can be useful when charging a two turn attack, because they can not do much while you charge up. If your accuracy is dropped too low, a lot of your moves will become unsuccessful, and if that happens, than your strategy will crash. If accuracy is too low, it will make powerful moves almost never hit.
You want to have accuracy heightening moves, or stat change destructive moves like haze.


If you know what the foe is doing, than the battle will become much easier. You want to memorize the foe's pokemons' moves. if you know what each move is capable of, and you can counter the power, stat or status change with the right moves! Identifying the foe's favorite type is good too. Having a pokemon with type ranged moves that are good against the foes type can be useful too. Identifying the foes favorite type will be easy!

thank you

only made a minor statement up there in good moves to learn

Im terribly sorry if i had got mad, but i just dont like people messing with my stuff. Im very sensitive of what people think of what i do. Ive been a perfectionist since fourth grade. Thank you for making a simple statement. I do realize that... thank you for pointing that out. Heal bell is an attack in Pokemon mystery dungeon 2, so i got confused XD !

no prob im a perfectionist to  smile



#1203 2010-03-05 12:29:11

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

djm111’s Guide To Breeding!

Breeding is a quintessential part of the competitive pokemon environment. Breeding is used to get pokemon with better Natures, IV’s (Individual Values), and Egg Moves which can only be obtained through breeding.

Two pokemon will breed if they are different genders and in the same Egg Group (Go to serebii for a list of egg groups). The only exception to this is Ditto, which will breed with pokemon in any egg group. Some pokemon, mainly legendaries, cannot breed. There are also some pokemon which are in two egg groups. In the case of cross breeding pokemon, the pokemon is always the same as the mother

When two Pokemon breed, 3 IV’s are selected at random from each parent. Each parent can contribute the same IV, in which case the highest IV is used. Any IV’s not contributed are automatically set to 0.

Egg Moves
When Pokemon breed, they can sometimes pass on moves to the child Pokemon. These are called Egg Moves. Only the father can pass on Egg Moves.
For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

Hopefully this will help users breed properly to obtain the highest quality pokemon for training.

Up there were you say

djm11 wrote:

For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

that is a falicy for today i tryed to breed a male milotic with recover and some other moves and a female lv98 bagon (traded for celibi in gts  tongue ) wanting to have a bagon with recover but all it hatched as was a bagon with rage so therefore a bagon breeed from a salamance and gyarados would not have hydro pump.
and on another note you mentioned a spiritomb with wondergaurd how get that



#1204 2010-03-05 18:12:09

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

poopo wrote:

djm111 wrote:

djm111’s Guide To Breeding!

Breeding is a quintessential part of the competitive pokemon environment. Breeding is used to get pokemon with better Natures, IV’s (Individual Values), and Egg Moves which can only be obtained through breeding.

Two pokemon will breed if they are different genders and in the same Egg Group (Go to serebii for a list of egg groups). The only exception to this is Ditto, which will breed with pokemon in any egg group. Some pokemon, mainly legendaries, cannot breed. There are also some pokemon which are in two egg groups. In the case of cross breeding pokemon, the pokemon is always the same as the mother

When two Pokemon breed, 3 IV’s are selected at random from each parent. Each parent can contribute the same IV, in which case the highest IV is used. Any IV’s not contributed are automatically set to 0.

Egg Moves
When Pokemon breed, they can sometimes pass on moves to the child Pokemon. These are called Egg Moves. Only the father can pass on Egg Moves.
For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

Hopefully this will help users breed properly to obtain the highest quality pokemon for training.

Up there were you say

djm11 wrote:

For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

that is a falicy for today i tryed to breed a male milotic with recover and some other moves and a female lv98 bagon (traded for celibi in gts  tongue ) wanting to have a bagon with recover but all it hatched as was a bagon with rage so therefore a bagon breeed from a salamance and gyarados would not have hydro pump.
and on another note you mentioned a spiritomb with wondergaurd how get that

Not all moves can be passed on through breeding. Again, check Serebii if you don't believe me.

Also, you can't get a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard without hacks. I was using it as an example of hacking. Because Spiritomb has no weaknesses, a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard cannot be directly attacked, so if used properly is invincible, so hackers love it.



#1205 2010-03-05 19:06:46

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles … re=related

Battle VS. Red on Heart Gold / Soul Silver. I love the remake of the music.



#1206 2010-03-05 19:34:59

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

poopo wrote:

djm111 wrote:

djm111’s Guide To Breeding!

Breeding is a quintessential part of the competitive pokemon environment. Breeding is used to get pokemon with better Natures, IV’s (Individual Values), and Egg Moves which can only be obtained through breeding.

Two pokemon will breed if they are different genders and in the same Egg Group (Go to serebii for a list of egg groups). The only exception to this is Ditto, which will breed with pokemon in any egg group. Some pokemon, mainly legendaries, cannot breed. There are also some pokemon which are in two egg groups. In the case of cross breeding pokemon, the pokemon is always the same as the mother

When two Pokemon breed, 3 IV’s are selected at random from each parent. Each parent can contribute the same IV, in which case the highest IV is used. Any IV’s not contributed are automatically set to 0.

Egg Moves
When Pokemon breed, they can sometimes pass on moves to the child Pokemon. These are called Egg Moves. Only the father can pass on Egg Moves.
For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

Hopefully this will help users breed properly to obtain the highest quality pokemon for training.

Up there were you say

djm11 wrote:

For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

that is a falicy for today i tryed to breed a male milotic with recover and some other moves and a female lv98 bagon (traded for celibi in gts  tongue ) wanting to have a bagon with recover but all it hatched as was a bagon with rage so therefore a bagon breeed from a salamance and gyarados would not have hydro pump.
and on another note you mentioned a spiritomb with wondergaurd how get that

Not all moves can be passed on through breeding. Again, check Serebii if you don't believe me.

Also, you can't get a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard without hacks. I was using it as an example of hacking. Because Spiritomb has no weaknesses, a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard cannot be directly attacked, so if used properly is invincible, so hackers love it.

There are two ways of attacking a WonderTomb:

Get a pokémon with the ability Scrappy. It makes normal and fighting moves hit ghosts. Proceed to use a fighting attack.

The second way is to use Foresight or Odor Sleuth, then use a fighting attack.



#1207 2010-03-06 10:10:49

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

poopo wrote:

djm111 wrote:

djm111’s Guide To Breeding!

Breeding is a quintessential part of the competitive pokemon environment. Breeding is used to get pokemon with better Natures, IV’s (Individual Values), and Egg Moves which can only be obtained through breeding.

Two pokemon will breed if they are different genders and in the same Egg Group (Go to serebii for a list of egg groups). The only exception to this is Ditto, which will breed with pokemon in any egg group. Some pokemon, mainly legendaries, cannot breed. There are also some pokemon which are in two egg groups. In the case of cross breeding pokemon, the pokemon is always the same as the mother

When two Pokemon breed, 3 IV’s are selected at random from each parent. Each parent can contribute the same IV, in which case the highest IV is used. Any IV’s not contributed are automatically set to 0.

Egg Moves
When Pokemon breed, they can sometimes pass on moves to the child Pokemon. These are called Egg Moves. Only the father can pass on Egg Moves.
For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

Hopefully this will help users breed properly to obtain the highest quality pokemon for training.

Up there were you say

djm11 wrote:

For instance, if you bred a Male Gyarados which knew Hydro Pump, with a female Salamence, the baby Bagon would have Hydro Pump, a move which it could not otherwise learn.

that is a falicy for today i tryed to breed a male milotic with recover and some other moves and a female lv98 bagon (traded for celibi in gts  tongue ) wanting to have a bagon with recover but all it hatched as was a bagon with rage so therefore a bagon breeed from a salamance and gyarados would not have hydro pump.
and on another note you mentioned a spiritomb with wondergaurd how get that

Not all moves can be passed on through breeding. Again, check Serebii if you don't believe me.

Also, you can't get a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard without hacks. I was using it as an example of hacking. Because Spiritomb has no weaknesses, a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard cannot be directly attacked, so if used properly is invincible, so hackers love it.

to bad  tongue



#1208 2010-03-06 14:31:06

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

There are two ways of attacking a WonderTomb:

Get a pokémon with the ability Scrappy. It makes normal and fighting moves hit ghosts. Proceed to use a fighting attack.

The second way is to use Foresight or Odor Sleuth, then use a fighting attack.

There is also Mold Breaker on Rampardos (How I usually fight them).
If the hacker uses a WonderTomb without a recovery move, then you can also get a damaging weather condition and then simply stall it out with Blissey. That method is far more unreliable though as most decent Spiritomb have Rest or Pain Split.
The major thing to remember when fighting a WonderTomb though is that whilst it's very hard for you to kill it, it's almost impossible for it to kill a good defensively inclined Pokemon with something to heal status effects.



#1209 2010-03-06 18:15:34

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

Also, FMT, I battled Poopo and won. Add that to the records.



#1210 2010-03-06 18:19:58

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

Also, FMT, I battled Poopo and won. Add that to the records.




#1211 2010-03-06 18:21:53

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

Also, FMT, I battled Poopo and won. Add that to the records.


OK, Thanks.

HG/SS soon. I think I may trade the starting Pokemon across to D/P to give it EV's before playing properly though, lol



#1212 2010-03-06 18:28:15

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

Also, FMT, I battled Poopo and won. Add that to the records.


OK, Thanks.

HG/SS soon. I think I may trade the starting Pokemon across to D/P to give it EV's before playing properly though, lol

I'm getting HG. Starting with Cyndaquil. I think I posted what my team would be before, but it's Typhlosion, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Ampharos, Gyarados, and Scizor. This is an in-game team though, so no EV tracking and stuff.



#1213 2010-03-06 18:32:19

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:


OK, Thanks.

HG/SS soon. I think I may trade the starting Pokemon across to D/P to give it EV's before playing properly though, lol

I'm getting HG. Starting with Cyndaquil. I think I posted what my team would be before, but it's Typhlosion, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Ampharos, Gyarados, and Scizor. This is an in-game team though, so no EV tracking and stuff.

I'm going to get either Cyndaquil or Totodile, and most likely SS. I'd also have a Tyranitar in the team but it's been so long since I played G/S/C that I don't know where to find any of the Pokemon specifically.



#1214 2010-03-06 18:43:04

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

OK, Thanks.

HG/SS soon. I think I may trade the starting Pokemon across to D/P to give it EV's before playing properly though, lol

I'm getting HG. Starting with Cyndaquil. I think I posted what my team would be before, but it's Typhlosion, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Ampharos, Gyarados, and Scizor. This is an in-game team though, so no EV tracking and stuff.

I'm going to get either Cyndaquil or Totodile, and most likely SS. I'd also have a Tyranitar in the team but it's been so long since I played G/S/C that I don't know where to find any of the Pokemon specifically.

You get Larvitar after the E4. It can be found in some route in Kanto.



#1215 2010-03-06 18:46:50

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

I'm getting HG. Starting with Cyndaquil. I think I posted what my team would be before, but it's Typhlosion, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Ampharos, Gyarados, and Scizor. This is an in-game team though, so no EV tracking and stuff.

I'm going to get either Cyndaquil or Totodile, and most likely SS. I'd also have a Tyranitar in the team but it's been so long since I played G/S/C that I don't know where to find any of the Pokemon specifically.

You get Larvitar after the E4. It can be found in some route in Kanto.

Ah. btw, Aron can now have Head Smash as an Egg Move. Plus he has that ability which prevents recoil, so I am probably going to get one.



#1216 2010-03-06 18:48:23

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

I'm going to get either Cyndaquil or Totodile, and most likely SS. I'd also have a Tyranitar in the team but it's been so long since I played G/S/C that I don't know where to find any of the Pokemon specifically.

You get Larvitar after the E4. It can be found in some route in Kanto.

Ah. btw, Aron can now have Head Smash as an Egg Move. Plus he has that ability which prevents recoil, so I am probably going to get one.

Aggron's attack stat is pretty cruddy. But I guess the metagame will change completely once it comes here in the states. With all these move changes and such.



#1217 2010-03-06 18:51:47

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

You get Larvitar after the E4. It can be found in some route in Kanto.

Ah. btw, Aron can now have Head Smash as an Egg Move. Plus he has that ability which prevents recoil, so I am probably going to get one.

Aggron's attack stat is pretty cruddy. But I guess the metagame will change completely once it comes here in the states. With all these move changes and such.

Aggron doesn't need a huge attack stat with a Stab Head Smash behind him. Plus, unlike Rampardos, he has good defenses. I think Head Smash will help him a bit, but it isn't going to make him OU suddenly.



#1218 2010-03-06 18:52:24

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

Ah. btw, Aron can now have Head Smash as an Egg Move. Plus he has that ability which prevents recoil, so I am probably going to get one.

Aggron's attack stat is pretty cruddy. But I guess the metagame will change completely once it comes here in the states. With all these move changes and such.

Aggron doesn't need a huge attack stat with a Stab Head Smash behind him. Plus, unlike Rampardos, he has good defenses. I think Head Smash will help him a bit, but it isn't going to make him OU suddenly.

He'll gain some walling rep.



#1219 2010-03-06 18:53:41

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

Aggron's attack stat is pretty cruddy. But I guess the metagame will change completely once it comes here in the states. With all these move changes and such.

Aggron doesn't need a huge attack stat with a Stab Head Smash behind him. Plus, unlike Rampardos, he has good defenses. I think Head Smash will help him a bit, but it isn't going to make him OU suddenly.

He'll gain some walling rep.

I think Rock Polish, Sandstorm and Head Smash could make Aggron a fairly effective Pokemon in UU.



#1220 2010-03-08 17:38:30

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

After reading about the updates through HG/SS concerning Pokemon movesets and tiers, I've made my new 3 teams.

Anything goes team:
Groudon, Darkrai, Cherrim, Tangrowth, Machamp, Dialga

Ubers banned:
Salamence, Tangrowth, Cresselia, Jirachi, Scizor, Blissey

OU Banned:
Aggron, Drapion, Yanmega, Cresselia, Porygon-Z, Tangrowth

Looking through those, you can probably see a pattern.  tongue



#1221 2010-03-08 18:52:35

Registered: 2008-12-19
Posts: 14

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

Pokemon Diamond: 2493 6141 9749

"The wise old owl sat in an oak, The more he saw the less he spoke, The less he spoke the more he heard, Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?"



#1222 2010-03-09 02:53:40

Registered: 2009-10-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

I know how to beat a Spiritomb with Wonder Guard. If someone is using platinum. Preform the acid rain glitch and let Wonder Guard take it down. site
Find someone post count. Click posts under username. Find number of pages. Times that by 40 for min and 60 for max and you have a rough estimate of post count.



#1223 2010-03-09 06:31:51

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

After reading about the updates through HG/SS concerning Pokemon movesets and tiers, I've made my new 3 teams.

Anything goes team:
Groudon, Darkrai, Cherrim, Tangrowth, Machamp, Dialga

Ubers banned:
Salamence, Tangrowth, Cresselia, Jirachi, Scizor, Blissey

OU Banned:
Aggron, Drapion, Yanmega, Cresselia, Porygon-Z, Tangrowth

Looking through those, you can probably see a pattern.  tongue

Well I see Tangrowth in each one.....



#1224 2010-03-09 16:45:47

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

After reading about the updates through HG/SS concerning Pokemon movesets and tiers, I've made my new 3 teams.

Anything goes team:
Groudon, Darkrai, Cherrim, Tangrowth, Machamp, Dialga

Ubers banned:
Salamence, Tangrowth, Cresselia, Jirachi, Scizor, Blissey

OU Banned:
Aggron, Drapion, Yanmega, Cresselia, Porygon-Z, Tangrowth

Looking through those, you can probably see a pattern.  tongue

Well I see Tangrowth in each one.....

Indeed. Tangrowth ftw.



#1225 2010-03-09 18:12:30

Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Pokémon Center: Tournaments, Trades, and Battles

djm111 wrote:

floatingmagictree wrote:

djm111 wrote:

After reading about the updates through HG/SS concerning Pokemon movesets and tiers, I've made my new 3 teams.

Anything goes team:
Groudon, Darkrai, Cherrim, Tangrowth, Machamp, Dialga

Ubers banned:
Salamence, Tangrowth, Cresselia, Jirachi, Scizor, Blissey

OU Banned:
Aggron, Drapion, Yanmega, Cresselia, Porygon-Z, Tangrowth

Looking through those, you can probably see a pattern.  tongue

Well I see Tangrowth in each one.....

Indeed. Tangrowth ftw.




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