omgee, i went to read messages and im not getting them even if my comments for projects thing is turned on (the button that says leave messages when commented on projects) IF THIS IS A BUG KILL IT NOW!! i hate not ggetting my messages *shivvesr* without them i am....NOTHING! please try to fix the bug if you cant then! *gasp* *dies lol*
SO DO YOU KNOW WHY THEY ARE GONE? *gasp* (sorry hit caps lock lol)
hahaha it's like on off button mean:if it shows on:not working need to on if off It means working you can off it like that mesage.try
Paddle2See wrote:
They are working for me now.
Once again, they are NOT working. Comments are appearing on my projects without notification.
Paddle2See wrote:
Paddle2See wrote:
They are working for me now.
Once again, they are NOT working. Comments are appearing on my projects without notification.
exactly whats happening for me, suppper annoyed right now and hope the fix it
huhh........................its been a day and a half and no messages..i might aswell just quit without messages
What happend to the comments!!!!! I miss my comments.......Longfinmako
and I did a test to see what is happening to the comments, Longfinmako left me a comment, then I logged out and logged back in. Longfinmako told me he left the comment
on 'Giving Hamster Land Powers! V.7!' I went to look at it, He did leave me a comment, but.....Scratch did not tell me I had a comment! When Scratch starts to work........I will haveTONS of comments! What happend to my comments?
This is an odd problem. Try putting this in the bugs section. Hopefull one of the scratch workers will see it and fix it. Maybe they are already working on the problem.
Bobby500 wrote:
This is an odd problem. Try putting this in the bugs section. Hopefull one of the scratch workers will see it and fix it. Maybe they are already working on the problem.
good idea, i hoep fixed soon
Lanie wrote:
i like the new system of comment notice because i dont have to hit the delete button 100 times a day lol
i still do... wats the new system?
oh i thought you ment you only got one message per project or something. you still hae to delete a lot anyways
I get like 1 comment every 2 days...
This problem should be fixed now. Just to clarify, it is not that you were not getting comments posted on your projects. You were simply not being notified of this. Right?