This is a list of all the Web Wizard SWC Environment updates, so the project notes don't get overcrowded.
Web Wizard SWC Environment Updates
v5.5.2 (03-03
The-Whiz fixed a couple of glitches:
1. HTScript wouldn't accept variable of the type
2. Radiobutton variables wouldn't work
3. For some reason, instead of reloading the page the refresh button had the same function as the forward button.
v5.5.1 (03-01)
MathWizz was converting to the newer format but didn't complete it. There is a glitch in the textboxes that I can't find.
v5.5 (02-25)
nXIII updated HTScript (now running HTScript build 4) and the HTScript tutorial
v5.4 (02-24)
The-Whiz added lists to Web Wizard. I also added a lists section to the SWC User's Guide. Started Textbox support for the new format. Added text spacing to links. Fixed a text spacing glitch with "W"s.
v5.3 (02-23)
nXIII wanted to update HTScript, but failed miserably because text spacing took so long.
v5.2 (02-20)
The-Whiz did the following updates:
1) Fixed a title glitch.
2) Added links to the new format.
3) Fixed a links glitch.
v5.1 (02-19)
nXIII started cleanup.
v5.0 (02-17)
The-Whiz converted a large part of Web Wizard to Lucario's new format. I added the <title=""> tag, which needs to be right after the <FILE=""> tag. The text is the text that will be displayed at the top of the window. I converted text to Lucario's formatm as well. The URL box and all other SWC elements still need to be converted to the new format, however. I'd also like the loading bar and the history and favorites menus to be converted.
v4.10 (02-15)
nXIII added a large amount to the HTScript coding environment:
1. added support for if...else...end_if
2. added an early version of the HTLiveObject class
3. added onLoad functionality
4. Updated HTScript tutorial and moved it to a separate comment (sorry, it was a severe invisible-text glitch hazard)
Also added a parsing script to parse the internet list into the 'internet #s' and 'internet URLs' lists. Added version information in stage comments.
@nXIII: no need to worry about getting to v5.0. *laughs* that's what v4.10 is for!
v4.9 (02-15)
MathWizz was only working on optemising. No, shadow, I did not install your new text sprite beacause I have already been updating for a rather long time.
v4.8 (02-13)
The-Whiz did several different updates.
1. Fixed small glitch with code parsing
2. Added shadow_7283's new shape colors
3. Added shadow_7283's blog
4. Added textboxes
@MathWizz: I don't know if it is a great idea to have the "Internet #s" list: It sure improves the running speed, but you have to update it every time you add a single line of code.
v4.7 (02-12)
MathWizz did not make a big change, but managed to make Web Wizard 10 TIMES FASTER! DOWNLOAD NOW!
v4.6.5 (02-11)
Shadow_7283 made a small update; code parsing! Although it only required a few blocks it increases the speed a lot! However, I did change some already present scripts to fit my needs, so if anything I changed was vital, SWC team members, please change it.
v4.6 (02-10)
The-Whiz made a big update: I added image support! Go to to see an example. Look at the images sprite to see how to put your own images in Web Wizard and check the User's Guide for image syntax.
v4.5.1 (02-07)
nXIII made a very minor update: fixed the OR operator. Also added an HTScript section in the User's Guide.
v4.5 (02-07)
The-Whiz made a really major update. I've added directory and file support. There's a whole new syntax for site tags. Instead of the <SITE=""> tag, there's the <ROOT=""> tag. There are also <DIR=""> and <FILE=""> tags. I changed all the site's formats to this. I also fixed a bug with buttons and added a SWC User's Manual. It is in the stage. nXIII needs to add the format for HTScript Interpreter, though, and if I have any errors they need to be fixed. If you update the User's Guide, put your name and the date you updated it under the "Written by The-Whiz, 02-07-10".
v4.4 (02-05)
nXIII added if functions with full logic and boolean operator support to the HTScript coding environment.
v4.3 (02-04)
nXIII added a very early version of the HTScript Interpreter. Go to for an example.
v4.2 (01-25)
The-Whiz added variable support for radiobuttons. The format is:
For an example, go to
v4.1 (01-25)
The-Whiz added a "stop loading" button. It appears to the right of the loading bar. I also fixed an art defect with the loading bar. I also updated my blog.
v4.0 (01-24)
The-Whiz made a major update. Instead of using a / for a space, you now use an actual space. I went through the whole Internet list and shanged them all. I also added variable support for links and buttons. The link format is <link=link1;x,y;"Text";"URL">.
Now the variables format in links is %link type;label of variable%. The only type supported right now is checkboxes. For example, %checkbox;check1%.
If you need to see it, look at the website in the Internet list.
v3.12 (01-24)
MathWizz started the variable suppport.
v3.11 (01-24)
The-Whiz made an update with the URL bar. Clicking outside of the main menu bar makes the URL bar lose focus and not be able to type in. Clicking back on the main menu bar results in you being able to type in the URL bar again. This will be neccesary for the text box, coming in later versions.
NOTE: I've deleted the 0. at the beginning of the version number. It looks better than 0.3.11. After all, it is Mac OS X 10.6, not Mac OS X 0.10.6.
NOTE 2: Only change the first number if a very major update is made, such as textboxes, variables, etc. The version after this will be 3.12, unless a major update is made, then it will be 4.0.
v3.10 (01-23)
MathWizz fixed some glitches, combined the loading sprite with the cover sprite and imported his faster button.
v3.9 (01-23)
fg123 updated his page and removed Rhy from the list until further notice. Changed the load bar. Can anyone take a look at the history problem, when I click history when a page is loading, it get's a bit messed up...
v3.8 (01-23)
The-Whiz fixed the fonts on the history and favorites bars. To open an item in the history or favorites bars, select the item and click the go button in the main menu bar. Fixed a glitch with circles. Updated my blog.
v3.7 (01-17)
Shadow_7283 added a finished (almost) history feature. It is pretty much glitch free but... I can't make it so that when you click on a link listed TWICE, it takes you to it! Please help SWC team!
v3.6 (01-16)
MathWizz shortend scripts and added some funtions.
-The button is now faster.
-Drawing a circle is faster but is a bit different than before
-You don't have to use a "/" for space in the text, link or button anymore
-You can now change the background color by typing BG;hue;shade (This command is optional.)
v3.5 (01-15)
Shadow_7283 improved the link feature...
v3.4 (??-??)
v3.3 (01-01)
ThePCKid made '' into ''. I've added another blog post.
v3.2 (01-01)
The-Whiz added more to several different websites. Fixed a bug with shapes.
v3.1 (01-01)
ThePCKid added a blog to his website
v3.0 (01-01)
The-Whiz put shadow_7283's updates into v0.2.8.1 and made v0.3.
v?.? (12-31)
Shadow_7283 updated the history feature.
v2.8.1 (12-31)
The-Whiz added MathWizz's triangle filler.
v2.8 (12-31)
The-Whiz implemented shadow_7283's Shapes function. Added more stuff to websites.
v2.7.1 (12-31)
The-Whiz made another couple of updates:
1. Some websites weren't loading
2. Added more websites
3. Displayed website wasn't changing when an item on the history bar was clicked
MathWizz: The history bar needs work...
v2.7 (12-31)
MathWizz added a History bar.
v2.6 (12-31)
ThePCKid updated the Scratch website, updated his website, added my HTScript Math, and made a new website
v2.5.1 (12-30)
The-Whiz made a couple of minor updates:
1. Remnants from older websites were being left on the webpage
2. Web Wizard icon hides after 5 seconds
v2.5 (12-30)
ThePCKid updated his website and updated the Scratch website
v2.4 (12-30)
The-Whiz added button links. Buttons now lead to a different website.
v2.3 (12-30)
The-Whiz added more websites. Click the small arrow in the corner of the top box to contract or expand the box.
v2.2 (12-30)
The-Whiz added a better links funtion. Clicking on a link now results in going to a different website.
v?.? (??-??)
ThePCKid changed the Scratch home page and I changed a page too and made a tiny bug fix.
v2.1 (12-29)
shadow_7283 fixed the home button feature (mouse over the textbox) and made some other minor adjustments
v1.0 (12-??)
MathWizz: This is what the SWC Web Browser might look like. Now the forward and back buttons work. Download and run in turbo speed for best results! The Internet list is the list containing the whole WORLD WIDE WEB!
Last edited by The-Whiz (2010-03-03 19:28:35)
Thanks for doing this! I had just asked nXIII todo it since he wants to delete the projet notes, but now I don't have to worry about it. We've done a lot. I think this is probably one of the most succesful collabs in Scratch history (if not THE MOST).
The-Whiz wrote:
I agree... With both of you.
I saw your conversation, and since I was updating I just thought, why not do it myself?
So who is updating now?
can somebody post a list of sites?
waveOSBeta wrote:
can somebody post a list of sites?
We used to have many, but they were really slowing down Web Wizard so we decided to remove them for the time being. However, when Web Wizard is opened to the public we will most definently list all of the websites available.
shadow_7283 wrote:
waveOSBeta wrote:
can somebody post a list of sites?
We used to have many, but they were really slowing down Web Wizard so we decided to remove them for the time being. However, when Web Wizard is opened to the public we will most definently list all of the websites available.
What do you mean when Web Wizard is open to the public? Web Wizard is already open to the public.
Meaning, users can create their own websites and view them on Web Wizard.
thats why
Please don't bump up old forums. It helps keep the website relevant and recent.
In fact, I should probably ask the moderators to close this...
<turn cw( )degrees>
guitarherofan wrote:
[blocks]<turn cw( )degrees>[/blocks]
Please don't bump up old forums. It helps keep the website relevant and recent.
Last edited by shadow_7283 (2011-07-30 15:42:50)
So is this a HTML parser?