(Mods, if this belongs in Miscellaneous, move it there )
This is a summary of all the information on Scratch 2.0 there is. Any more? Add it below!
I wanted to make a single post describing Scratch 2.0 and all its details(there aren't a lot).
It has come to my attention that there is a link to an FAQ about Scratch 2.0. If you have any questions, there is a high likelyhood they will be answered there.
~1: Stating the obvious~
1.5 years ago illusionist said:
I've seen some scratch predictions topics, but none have been like this!
I have figured that a new version of scratch comes out about every 5-7 months. So... That would mean we should be on 2.4 in Ten Years or so. Yikes! What do you think scratch will be like in 10 years? Post your thoughts and predictions here.
***FUTURE VERSION HISTORY*** (just a guess)
1.4 <-Now (Scratch is about 2 years old)
2.4 <-Ten Years from now (Scratch is twelve years old)
It actually turns out the timeline is like this:
1.4.1(Linux) - illusionist
Why 2.0? Well, change is represented like this:
1.3.1 minor change(glitches, etc.)
1.4 medium change(new interface, etc.)
2.0 major change(player online, etc.)
1.0 <- First public release
1.2 beta
1.3 beta
1.3 RC
1.4 beta <- Not a public release
1.4 RC
1.4 <- Current release
1.4.1 <- Current patch
2.0 beta
2.0 RC
(added by likegames)
2.0 is a leap in Scratch. Mid 2009 Scratch Team said:
2.0 might be an online player
Now they say it will be that. From this, I can count that 90% of what they say could be true.
Release Date:
Late 2010 to Mid-2011
~2: Going into Detail~
From what I can deduce, the new Scratch online player will be flash.
The Scratch Program will be flash, online, too.
You will have a downloadable version that works on the desktop- most likely for Linux, Mac, and Windows!
The Scratch Team will most likely update a couple blocks. Show-hide list, etc.
Likely to happen is web-2.0 media- you can pull up a YouTube video or Blogger post and show it in Scratch.
New Forums will be integrated into Scratch 2.0. They may be custom made, but they are going to be new.
-3: The Scrapbooking Part~
Now we are going into rumors. I am collecting bits and pieces of information to piece it together.
fullmoon wrote:
Post 6 5/13/10
Not sure where this came from but it's on the Scratch Wikia.
Also check out the Scratch and Share proposal that just won Scratch 200 grand:
Personally, I'm hoping for more broad connection functionality besides just connection to hand-picked Web 2.0 sites like Twitter and Facebook. I posted my idea a while ago here but the thread turned into an argument over the definition of the word "hacking". Another nice feature would be simply to change the stage size, which would be much easier to implement if the player and editor were written in the same language.
Coka agrees on social media pulling from the web
Puzzle Piece of the day: Scratch 2.0 will come out, the team won $190,000 to develop it
Post 5 4/10/10:
TheGameMaster1231 says that there will be support for shift and tab.
Post 4 3/2/10:
Some info from Lightnin:Lightnin wrote:
bigreader wrote:
A few questions:
1. Will Scratch 2.0 have the fabled "open web page [ ]" block?
2. Will Scratch 2.0 have the equally fabled "show list { v}" and "hide list { v}" blocks?
3. Will Mesh have its much-deserved official release?
4. Will there be any major changes other than Internet capability?
And a few requests:
1. Can the Scratch Team send a message to all users on the day of the official release?
2. Can the Scratch Team post the release date on the site prior to the release?
3. Can the Scratch Team release 1.4.2 with the show/hide list blocks?Let's see... Questions first:
1. Probably - or something like it. We're still in the early stages, but one of our design goals is to make Scratch 2.0 more connected to the web.
2. Seems like there is a lot of demand for this. Still too soon to tell, but it's on the list.
3. "Mesh" may not be the official name, but Scratch 2.0 will have some similar functionality. Remember - projects will be both edited and viewed on the web. This makes it much easier to allow them to interact, since they both will be running on the same server.
4. Scratch 2.0 will have a great deal of changes. But we're still in the process of figuring them out.
Requests next:
1. Oh yeah, don't worry - we'll put a banner up.The release is _at least_ one year away.
2. When we have a release date, we'll let everyone know. There is a ton of work to be done first.
3. Unlikely. If we do make an interim release, it will probably have the same functionality as 1.4, just with a few bug fixes.
Scratch On!Puzzle Piece of the day: Scratch will grab info from the web
Post 3 (2/25/10):
Made simpler for smaller-kind kids and collaboration- Adriangl
Post 2 (2/24/10):
Some better collaboration features will be added -Lucario621
Better ways of measuring and displaying credit will be added, like a collaboration - RHY3756547
Puzzle Piece of the day: Scratch team is still encouraging remixing/collaborations, will add on in the future
Post 1 (2/23/10):
I need info you found on Scratch 2.0 go ahead and post!
Last edited by Greatdane (2011-04-28 00:05:12)
The scratch team actually has confirmed that it will be in flash.
juststickman wrote:
The scratch team actually has confirmed that it will be in flash.
Really? That's gonna be awesome!
Stickman704 wrote:
juststickman wrote:
The scratch team actually has confirmed that it will be in flash.
Really? That's gonna be awesome!
The only good things I can see from it are: Projects will work at my school, they'll work on phones, they might be faster, maybe VSG?
Ok nevermind. That's gonna be awesome.
juststickman wrote:
Stickman704 wrote:
juststickman wrote:
The scratch team actually has confirmed that it will be in flash.
Really? That's gonna be awesome!
The only good things I can see from it are: Projects will work at my school, they'll work on phones, they might be faster, maybe VSG?
Ok nevermind. That's gonna be awesome.
Yes, it will.
I am pondering if Scratch itself would be flash though...
I badly want to hack it!
This topic will be interesting when (and if) more information is leaked ;D
Greatdane wrote:
WRONG! 1.4.1 is already out. It is the new Linux version.
And it is confirmed, 1.5 will never exist.
Great thread! Thanks for making this
In the "SWC (Scratch Web Code)" thread in Collaborations, Lightnin posted that in Scratch 2.0, there will be more collaboration tools He said nothing specific, but just that.
Also they're working on new ways to show who has collaborated on a project On the "about collaborations" thread.
They never did say anything about a 1.5 or a filler, but I am guessing it will be the early beta of 2.0, which is why it is a good thing I signed up way back in the old days as a Scratch beta tester
adriangl wrote:
They never did say anything about a 1.5 or a filler, but I am guessing it will be the early beta of 2.0, which is why it is a good thing I signed up way back in the old days as a Scratch beta tester
I. Want. To. Join.
RHY3756547 wrote:
adriangl wrote:
They never did say anything about a 1.5 or a filler, but I am guessing it will be the early beta of 2.0, which is why it is a good thing I signed up way back in the old days as a Scratch beta tester
I. Want. To. Join.
Me too!!! D:
Lucario621 wrote:
RHY3756547 wrote:
adriangl wrote:
They never did say anything about a 1.5 or a filler, but I am guessing it will be the early beta of 2.0, which is why it is a good thing I signed up way back in the old days as a Scratch beta tester
I. Want. To. Join.
Me too!!! D:
Me three!
BWOG wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
RHY3756547 wrote:
I. Want. To. Join.Me too!!! D:
Me three!
Haha! Bluestribute found the page somewhere and sent it to me the day it was due, so I just made it. That is why I got the 1.4 beta a few weeks before it came out, and why every few months the Scratch Team sends me something about Scratch.
adriangl wrote:
BWOG wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
Me too!!! D:Me three!
Haha! Bluestribute found the page somewhere and sent it to me the day it was due, so I just made it. That is why I got the 1.4 beta a few weeks before it came out, and why every few months the Scratch Team sends me something about Scratch.
O_O tell me moar!!!
BWOG wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
RHY3756547 wrote:
I. Want. To. Join.Me too!!! D:
Me three!
Me four. D:<
MathWizz wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
BWOG wrote:
Me three!Me four. D:<
illusionist_extra wrote:
MathWizz wrote:
technoguyx wrote:
Me four. D:<Me FIVE!
Me eight... Dx
Chrischb wrote:
illusionist_extra wrote:
MathWizz wrote:
Me eight... Dx
Me nine!
Hey, let's get back on topic.
If the forums are going to be new, will we lose everything and have a clean forum? That'd be crazy, so I think not.
also: they'll probably port everything over to scratch so we don't lose anything
Stickman704 wrote:
juststickman wrote:
The scratch team actually has confirmed that it will be in flash.
Really? That's gonna be awesome!
wait when u see the flash version u will recall the good old days of squeak