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I've been trying to make a 4way directional pad (similar to this) with the scratch Sensor Board.
I wanted to do this with only 5 wires going to my costum sensor. All clips were connected on one side but not on the other.
Some ASCII schematics
A-1 .___ B-1 .___| C-1 .___| D-1 .___|____________________ | A-2 .____________/ ._________| B-2 .____________/ ._________| C-2 .____________/ ._________| D-2 .____________/ ._________|
But, guess what? It didn't work The resistance values of multiple connectors reported a low value when only one switch was closed...
Any tips
Woah! A scratch balance board! That's cool! I'm reading the block post right now!
Looks cool! But I'm not good at building things Good luck.
Joren: I think you might want different value series resistors for A-1, B-1, C-1, and D-1. Like 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K (that way you could use the resistance values to tell which switches are closed). On the other hand, why don't you just use each of the four resistive inputs for each corner?
You may know about the following, If so please skip this.
Alligator clips for resistor look nonpolar. But these have polar. So you need to check which is GND or V+ by a circuit tester before connection.
Actually. Strike my last comment; I read the diagram wrong :p
abee's note re polarity is something to think about, though.
Thanks abee, I'm quite sure that's it
chalkmarrow wrote:
Actually. Strike my last comment; I read the diagram wrong :p
abee's note re polarity is something to think about, though.
ASCII Art diagrams aren't always the easiest to understand - but they are fast to create Thanks a lot for your support though.
Quick fix... The Scratch community is great
It's nice to hear that. You're welcome!
Our group had a workshop of Scratch and PicoBoard at the O'Reilly's Make: Tokyo Meeting 04 on last November. And one guy stuck the same problem. I think it's a design matter of PicoBoard.
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