You can do it without any problem. You take the animated gif, then in scratch in cosyume section you click import and you import the gif you want. It splits into many sprites.
jasb wrote:
You can do it without any problem. You take the animated gif, then in scratch in cosyume section you click import and you import the gif you want. It splits into many sprites.
It doesn't work with every gif, if the gif has been merged then you have to break it down to seperate frames and import them from there, i use Animation Shop by Jasc.
jasb wrote:
You can do it without any problem. You take the animated gif, then in scratch in cosyume section you click import and you import the gif you want. It splits into many sprites.
Not nescisarily (idk how to spell)
Drag the GIF into the costumes area. It will split up.
Yeah. It has to be imported as costume not sprite.