post the most good comments and i will and i will make an honorable mention is free and you can make someone happy go to projects made by people who have just started or don't have any comments and post a good comment to them
top commenters
#2 bluestribute-3
make it in these five catagories and you could get a honorible mention just for being nice and once i get three people the honorable mentions will go up
Last edited by fluffyfluflu2 (2008-04-29 21:05:46)
you can join the community and get up to 5 honorable mentions and i will post howmany good comments we get remember you can make thousands of other people happy^^
ona game any game you choose to put it on and see if you coild get the most good comments
andpeople could like you even more until you have millions of friends
anybody wanna join
I have done some
how many
Like 2 or 3 so far. I'll start keeping track. And by the way, your site just needs the domain and it's done, but I can always edit it