LFX wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
MyRedNeptune wrote:
Did you memorize all the symbols? xP
I only memorized the combinations Alt 129 and Alt 0220.
Yes, I am that obsessed. xPNo! I only have Alt 0233 (é) and 0235 (ë) memorized. I just press random keys...
I notice that 129 and 0220 produce ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?alt 1-9, alt 02210-9 alt 985 951 and so on and so forth.
how did you make the heart?
use something personal, change some of the letters to numbers for your locker (or something like that for younger kids), and then add two of your favorite smiley faces like XD
That isn't anything like my password, but here's something that it could be:
amberk99 wrote:
how did you make the heart?
Alt 3.
everythingRhymes wrote:
this is wrong. hackers don't try to guess your password.
That's just silly. Hackers might use programs to do the work, but they're still trying to find your password.
I have a GREAT EXAMPLE of a good password.
1. Your lucky number (numbers over 1,000 work best)
Ex: 8769
2. Put it in words
Ex: eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty nine
3. replace words with numbers
Ex: 8 thousand, seven 100 and sixty 9
4. Capitalize some of the letters
Ex: 8 ThouSand, seVen 100 ANd siXtY 9
5. Write your password on MULTIPLE peices of paper (so if you lose one paper, you have the others)
So there. You have a password that nobody but you knows.
(I use this method too! btw, 8 ThouSand, seVen 100 ANd siXtY 9 is NOT my password.)
amberk99 wrote:
LFX wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
No! I only have Alt 0233 (é) and 0235 (ë) memorized. I just press random keys...![]()
I notice that 129 and 0220 produce ü and Ü... is this for Übermensch (Übermensch! Can I join? Nah, just kidding)?alt 1-9, alt 02210-9 alt 985 951 and so on and so forth.
speeeeeciaaaaal.how did you make the heart?
♥ see?
i dont have a windows. So I cant make those characters.
The WINDOWS Alt+# list!!!
The MAC Option+# list(for laptops ONLY) :
¡(alt or option+1)
£(alt plu three and then etc… and the dot dot dot was made by alt+colon)
tada! thats all I know.
Last edited by shamrocker (2010-01-17 19:03:55)
Noone could ever guess my p/w
Last edited by game_freak42 (2010-01-17 19:09:12)
samurai768 wrote:
For those who don't speak H4X0R, that says :OipeedmypantsXD
Here's all the Alt symbols, just for fun:
1. ☺
2. ☻
3. ♥
4. ♦
5. ♣
6. ♠
7. •
8. ◘
9. ○
10. ◙
11. ♂
12. ♀
13. ♪
14. ♫
15. ☼
16. ►
17. ◄
18. ↕
19. ‼
20. ¶
21. §
22. ▬
23. ↨
24. ↑
25. ↓
26. →
27. ←
28. ∟
29. ↔
30. ▲
31. ▼
33. !
34. "
35. #
36. $
37. %
38. &
39. '
40. (
41. )
42. *
43. +
44. ,
45. -
46. .
47. /
48. 0
49. 1
50. 2
51. 3
52. 4
53. 5
54. 6
55. 7
56. 8
57. 9
58. :
59. ;
60. <
61. =
62. >
63. ?
64. @
65. A
66. B
67. C
68. D
69. E
70. F
71. G
72. H
73. I
74. J
75. K
76. L
77. M
78. N
79. O
80. P
81. Q
82. R
83. S
84. T
85. U
86. V
87. W
88. X
89. Y
90. Z
91. [
92. \
93. ]
94. ^
95. _
96. `
97. a
98. b
99. c
100. d
101. e
102. f
103. g
104. h
105. i
106. j
107. k
108. l
109. m
110. n
111. o
112. p
113. q
114. r
115. s
116. t
117. u
118. v
119. w
120. x
121. y
122. z
123. {
124. |
125. }
126. ~
127. ⌂
128. Ç
129. ü
130. é
131. â
132. ä
133. à
134. å
135. ç
136. ê
137. ë
138. è
139. ï
140. î
141. ì
145. æ
146. Æ
147. ô
148. ö
149. ò
150. û
151. ù
152. ÿ
155. ¢
156. £
157. ¥
158. ₧
159. ƒ
160. á
161. í
162. ó
163. ú
164. ñ
165. Ñ
166. ª
167. º
168. ¿
169. ⌐
170. ¬
171. ½
172. ¼
173. ¡
174. «
175. »
176. ░
177. ▒
178. ▓
179. │
180. ┤
181. ╡
182. ╢
183. ╖
184. ╕
185. ╣
186. ║
187. ╗
188. ╝
189. ╜
190. ╛
191. ┐
192. └
193. ┴
194. ┬
195. ├
196. ─
197. ┼
198. ╞
199. ╟
200. ╚
201. ╔
202. ╩
203. ╦
204. ╠
205. ═
206. ╬
207. ╧
208. ╨
209. ╤
210. ╥
211. ╙
212. ╘
213. ╒
214. ╓
215. ╫
216. ╪
217. ┘
218. ┌
219. █
220. ▄
221. ▌
222. ▐
223. ▀
224. α
225. ß
226. Γ
227. π
228. Σ
229. σ
230. µ
231. τ
232. Φ
233. Θ
234. Ω
235. δ
236. ∞
237. φ
238. ε
239. ∩
240. ≡
241. ±
242. ≥
243. ≤
244. ⌠
245. ⌡
246. ÷
247. ≈
248. °
249. ∙
250. ·
251. √
252. ⁿ
253. ²
254. ■
0128. €
0132. „
0133. …
0134. †
0135. ‡
0136. ˆ
0137. ‰
0138. Š
0139. ‹
0140. Œ
0142. Ž
0145. ‘
0146. ’
0147. “
0148. ”
0150. –
0151. —
0152. ˜
0153. ™
0154. š
0155. ›
0156. œ
0158. ž
0159. Ÿ
0164. ¤
0165. ¦
0168. ¨
0169. ©
0174. ®
0175. ¯
0179. ³
0180. ´
0184. ¸
0185. ¹
0190. ¾
0192. À
0193. Á
0194. Â
0195. Ã
0196. Ä
0197. Å
0200. È
0201. É
0202. Ê
0203. Ë
0204. Ì
0205. Í
0206. Î
0207. Ï
0208. Ð
0210. Ò
0211. Ó
0212. Ô
0213. Õ
0214. Ö
0215. ×
0216. Ø
0217. Ù
0218. Ú
0219. Û
0220. Ü
0221. Ý
0222. Þ
0227. ã
0240. ð
0253. ý
0254. þ
By the way, the website has a mistake. Alt 0185 is not U, it's ¹.
Jonathanpb wrote:
Here's all the Alt symbols, just for fun:
1. ☺
2. ☻
3. ♥
4. ♦
5. ♣
6. ♠
7. •
8. ◘
9. ○
10. ◙
11. ♂
12. ♀
13. ♪
14. ♫
15. ☼
16. ►
17. ◄
18. ↕
19. ‼
20. ¶
21. §
22. ▬
23. ↨
24. ↑
25. ↓
26. →
27. ←
28. ∟
29. ↔
30. ▲
31. ▼
33. !
34. "
35. #
36. $
37. %
38. &
39. '
40. (
41. )
42. *
43. +
44. ,
45. -
46. .
47. /
48. 0
49. 1
50. 2
51. 3
52. 4
53. 5
54. 6
55. 7
56. 8
57. 9
58. :
59. ;
60. <
61. =
62. >
63. ?
64. @
65. A
66. B
67. C
68. D
69. E
70. F
71. G
72. H
73. I
74. J
75. K
76. L
77. M
78. N
79. O
80. P
81. Q
82. R
83. S
84. T
85. U
86. V
87. W
88. X
89. Y
90. Z
91. [
92. \
93. ]
94. ^
95. _
96. `
97. a
98. b
99. c
100. d
101. e
102. f
103. g
104. h
105. i
106. j
107. k
108. l
109. m
110. n
111. o
112. p
113. q
114. r
115. s
116. t
117. u
118. v
119. w
120. x
121. y
122. z
123. {
124. |
125. }
126. ~
127. ⌂
128. Ç
129. ü
130. é
131. â
132. ä
133. à
134. å
135. ç
136. ê
137. ë
138. è
139. ï
140. î
141. ì
145. æ
146. Æ
147. ô
148. ö
149. ò
150. û
151. ù
152. ÿ
155. ¢
156. £
157. ¥
158. ₧
159. ƒ
160. á
161. í
162. ó
163. ú
164. ñ
165. Ñ
166. ª
167. º
168. ¿
169. ⌐
170. ¬
171. ½
172. ¼
173. ¡
174. «
175. »
176. ░
177. ▒
178. ▓
179. │
180. ┤
181. ╡
182. ╢
183. ╖
184. ╕
185. ╣
186. ║
187. ╗
188. ╝
189. ╜
190. ╛
191. ┐
192. └
193. ┴
194. ┬
195. ├
196. ─
197. ┼
198. ╞
199. ╟
200. ╚
201. ╔
202. ╩
203. ╦
204. ╠
205. ═
206. ╬
207. ╧
208. ╨
209. ╤
210. ╥
211. ╙
212. ╘
213. ╒
214. ╓
215. ╫
216. ╪
217. ┘
218. ┌
219. █
220. ▄
221. ▌
222. ▐
223. ▀
224. α
225. ß
226. Γ
227. π
228. Σ
229. σ
230. µ
231. τ
232. Φ
233. Θ
234. Ω
235. δ
236. ∞
237. φ
238. ε
239. ∩
240. ≡
241. ±
242. ≥
243. ≤
244. ⌠
245. ⌡
246. ÷
247. ≈
248. °
249. ∙
250. ·
251. √
252. ⁿ
253. ²
254. ■
0128. €
0132. „
0133. …
0134. †
0135. ‡
0136. ˆ
0137. ‰
0138. Š
0139. ‹
0140. Œ
0142. Ž
0145. ‘
0146. ’
0147. “
0148. ”
0150. –
0151. —
0152. ˜
0153. ™
0154. š
0155. ›
0156. œ
0158. ž
0159. Ÿ
0164. ¤
0165. ¦
0168. ¨
0169. ©
0174. ®
0175. ¯
0179. ³
0180. ´
0184. ¸
0185. ¹
0190. ¾
0192. À
0193. Á
0194. Â
0195. Ã
0196. Ä
0197. Å
0200. È
0201. É
0202. Ê
0203. Ë
0204. Ì
0205. Í
0206. Î
0207. Ï
0208. Ð
0210. Ò
0211. Ó
0212. Ô
0213. Õ
0214. Ö
0215. ×
0216. Ø
0217. Ù
0218. Ú
0219. Û
0220. Ü
0221. Ý
0222. Þ
0227. ã
0240. ð
0253. ý
0254. þ
By the way, the website has a mistake. Alt 0185 is not U, it's ¹.
well alt 128 - 256 are cpu dependent (language based) anyway my applet generates unique passwords see it here
i did, on another account, once have the password imagine •(alt+7) program • share
i will never make that mistake again. my password is now so diverse, it's simple. take that bill gates.
I'd change that password...
i really dont get this but this might not be discoussed with this hears apassword to keep u out of others
[account info removed]
thats what u need it was my freinds but she gave it to me and i dont want it so have a great time
Last edited by MyRedNeptune (2010-02-09 12:07:37)
Shugocharaamu wrote:
i really dont get this but this might not be discoussed with this hears apassword to keep u out of others
[account info removed]
thats what u need it was my freinds but she gave it to me and i dont want it so have a great time
Shugocharaamu, please don't give away account information to anyone - someone might use that account to post inappropriate material.
My topic is bumped again! That's at least three times!
I'm sorry but I could not remember something like ∞ró2á%&éuJĕ. Who would?
IMO Use a complicated word. In this case let's use simulator
Capitalise one leter. Add a few numbers on the end. It's how I do it.
Easy to remember for me.
Simulator isn't really the word I use so good luck hacking me
Actually, I can remember my password, even though it is completely random and of a moderate length.
Good point. I would never use password as my password. XD
If you have a mac, you can use option plus a key, which generates something like this: ©¥∂˙∆˚√˙®¥ˆ†¥¨ˆ´∑ø¥¨®io¥¶•∞§¶•∞§¶ª¥¨ˆø®˙√∆˚˙ƒ¨ˆ¥¶
listen guys hackers have a lot of ways of hacking any account say for example a yahoo email account. they do not actually need to guess the password. guessing passwords is known as exploiting which has nothing to do with hacking.
a way of hacking is decrypting the password(there is a special website for that some rata or something) into a hash string and then decrypting it to get the actual password. so setting random passwords does not actually work all the time
Using a good password is safer than using a bad password, at least.
Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-02-15 01:35:59)