Users should have a block to switch collisions on and off in a sprite. Hide should not disrupt collisions unless this function is set to off.
What do you guys think?
I think it is just fine the way it is. For example, if you have a game with a starting menu and a button, a lot of people would use the "when sprite clicked" block to sense when the button is clicked. When it is clicked the button would hide, the game would start and you would not be able to click on the button again, but if it could still sense the mouse even when hidden, you could click the button again and restart the game. Of course you could correct this with a variable but it would make things more complex for beginners.
How exactly would this block work?
You can't just say collision on and off. What kind of collision?
Just use a varible?
It might take a long time to get around it but It's only effecting a small group of people.
Stickman704 wrote:
Just use a varible?
It might take a long time to get around it but It's only effecting a small group of people.
Well Um the post is by rhy so i dont think he hadnt thought it .
Guys, I'm not talking about variables - because that is really messy. This is for newer scratchers to use collisions without worrying about variables and us to allow collision on hidden objects.