I think there should be a block in sensing for I receive...for several reasons.
The block would be one where you could put into an 'if' command.
1. When you put the repeat until block you usually have to make a variable to indicate scene change(example:without block :repeat until scene 2=1. with block: repeat until i receive scene 1) ( BTW:i don't have scratch version 1.1 but i've used it) If your project has alot of scene change too many variables can make it very slow on the web.
2. You would have to make a new script for something where you've done something and now U have to wait for receiving a broadcast which may be hard to continue your previous script. An 'I receive' would be more efficient.easier and with fewer scripts it will run better on the web. Ex. without block:
move 10 steps say "Now where did he go?"(script stops here) new script:When i receive 'Mini game done and cat found' say "there you are!"
Ex. with block:
move 10 steps say"where did he go?" wait until i receive 'Mini game done and cat found' say"there you are!"
3. If you complete a game, then you would broadcast "you won" .if you didn't complete the game though then for a sprite that says you won should have a script "if i receive you won show".
There are alot of other *little* things that i won't go into right now because i'm tired, but i think a 'I Receive' would be a good thing for scratch.
I wike pie,
I agree that a "wait until I receive <message>" block would be very useful and would eliminate a lot of otherwise useless global variables.