I post MixDuo Pro recently (I deleted it). It's the music program for PixBites 2.0 that I'm working on. Anyways, it worked perfectly in the testing mode, but not in pesentation mode or online. If anybody knows the answer, please help! I'll post the project again and post a link so if you want, you can download it and see if I messed up. I'll post right back.
i had the same problem with my auto-jumping game.
It just happens. Projects work best in normal mode of the Scratch app.
Ok. I downloaded it, and i fixed your problem. This is the working version of the draw and draw scripts:
Your version only worked in edit mode - because you can move sprites by dragging them there. In presentation or online, the "stop script" condition is immediately met. It checks "am i back in the color selection pane? if so, stop script" - of course the mouse pointer IS in the color selection pane when you are selecting a color, so the script stops immediately. I fixed that by implementing "wait until i am not in the selection pane".
I also changed you are only able to draw an horizontal line.
Please tell me if this worked!