you gotta be careful! Follow these tips!
- never reveal your phone number or any personal info to someone online you don't know. (no matter how nice he is!) its dangerous because they can find you and you could get hurt!
- If a person is hurting you for no reason, hit them back a little and run to tell an adult! They can help you and can call the police!
- If you see someone beating someone else, be quiet and go away slowly. Then totally call the police!!!!
- Be careful in general! Don't go into strange dark alleys. There could be someone there, lurking in the shadows (maybe lord Voldemort! lol!) Avoid broken glass and people who look like they could be criminals! Be cautious about the world around you!!!
hope I helped, and also, dont get too freaked out. Usually strangers are mostly regular people, but there are a few who are totally NOT regular! be careful about these people. Hopefully you read these tips right, so if you ever (and i dont mean will) get into a sticky situation, you'll know what to do!!!!!
What does this have to do with scratch? o.O
Nothing, sometimes I post stuff that has nothing to do with the website!!!
Thanks for the tips, Musicstar888 - since this doesn't seem to be Scratch related, I'm going to move it to our Miscellaneous section.
I was once pursued by drunken men, but I ran away, hehe. ^^
fg123 wrote:
o.O If you were caught, and you were 14..... *head hurts*
You have one very sick, sick mind.
He beat me to saying something like that.
But she obviously got away if that's what would've happened.
floatingmagictree wrote:
fg123 wrote:
o.O If you were caught, and you were 14..... *head hurts*
You have one very sick, sick mind.
He has a very realistic mind.
How does he know about that stuff already?
Ace-of-Spades wrote:
How does he know about that stuff already?
Do you know what people are teaching in school these days? I mean in the classes, not just random rumors etc.