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My student's projects don't do what they're supposed to when in Presentation mode. Has anyone else experienced this? For example:
This script (which is located in the Stage) has the stage switch to "background1", waits for the user to click, then switches to "background2"
When I receive "go"
switch to background "background1"
wait until "mouse down?"
switch to background "background2"
But in Presentation mode, it skips right to "background2", ignoring "background1"
What gives?
Peter R.
maybe u could share it here and give us a link and we could try to fix it
<when green flag clicked>
<switch to costume[1
this should help. (where it says "costume" it should say "background")
Last edited by rockie (2008-04-24 16:22:56)
pross67: i'm not sure how much time elapses between when the green flag is clicked and "go" is broadcast, but it is likely that the initial mouse click for the green flag causes the "wait until mouse down" to test true. i've noticed this happen before (and only in the relatively fast presentation mode). if you put a short wait statement before the "wait until mouse down" block or before the "go" broadcast, it should work. i was able to replicate and solve your problem in this way.
Last edited by chalkmarrow (2008-04-24 16:45:50)
do broadcast go and wait i think
The thing is that if you click to activate the broadcast it will register the mouse as clicked so it would do what you descirbe.
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