I have created a short little program called "Chomp 1": http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/misterlawrence/1242
When the "Little Fishes" sense the "Big Fish" then the score should go up by 1, the little fish should say "Meow" and the Little Fish should disappear.
For some reason, the little fish do not seem to sense the big fish, and so they never get "eaten".
Can someone please take a look at the code and let me know why this may not be working as I designed it to?
I just took a look at your code. On the Little Fish script you have the "If...Else" statement as the outer control structure, with a "forever" loop inside the "If". Once the "forever" loop is entered, you just turn and glide, but never check if the Little Fish is touching the Big Fish.
My suggestion is to make the "forever" loop the outer control structure, and leave the "turn and glide" blocks in the "If" block, moving the "forever" to the outside.
Does this help?