Can't you just make a variable called pi and set it to 3.14159265? It's simple enough...
A pi block could be better, because then it would be more precise. Unless it would only go to decimal places where scratch just rounds.
3.141592653589793238462643383279 would be helpful, if you try to make a variable that number, it gets rounded.
Yeah... variables can't really handle that many digits. I use lists instead.
Though I agree, pi as a block would be more precise... but there could be more useful blocks that come first.
I like the idea, though!
Well... the idea isn't bad, but you could just use a variable or list. The block just feels pretty unneccessary.
For being precise - would you really need to use pi with 50 digits? I think just 8 would suffice.
Jonathanpb wrote:
Well... the idea isn't bad, but you could just use a variable or list. The block just feels pretty unneccessary.
For being precise - would you really need to use pi with 50 digits? I think just 8 would suffice.
I thought that was only 30 digits after the decimal place.
I just said pi as far as I can remember it.
For pi to 60 digits, it's : 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974494.
Check it out:
"For many purposes, 3.14 or 22/7 is close enough, although engineers often use 3.1416 (5 significant figures) or 3.14159 (6 significant figures) for more precision. "
So it's likely 5 significant figures is plenty for most things in Scratch.
fludd12 wrote:
How about you divide 22 by seven, i think it equals pi. you just make a variable and set it so its like [set (pi^) to <[22] / [7]>]
That messes up after 2 decimal places.
I can remember up to 30.