I have NEVER gotten the point of absolute value. Why not just write seven or something. Wait...
-abs turns positive numbers to positive numbers, but negative numbers to positive numbers
-sqrt is the square root of the number. like 4 is 2 because 2x2=4, 49 is 7 because 7x7=49, so the number that you multiply to itself to get your number.
-sin and cos, sine and cosine, I'd use this to explain. Start a new project, and make two variables called "sine of direction" and "cosine of direction" with using the scratch cat.Add this script:
<when green flag clicked>
<point towards( mouse
<set{ sine of direction }to( sine of direction
<set{ cosine of direction }to( cosine of direction
Also make sure you can see the value of the variable on the screen. Then click the green flag and move your mouse around and you'll notice that if the cat is pointing closer to the right the sine will be closer to 1, if its closer to the left it will be closer to -1 and with cosine its just with up and down. Add this in the forever loop and look at what happens:
<if><mouse down?>
<change x by( sine of direction
<change y by( cosine of direction
hope that helps.
Abs is very useful for finding the difference between 2 numbers as a positive number.
Variable a - variable b will give a negative answer if b is bigger.
Abs (Variable a - variable b) will always give a positive number.
Hobbs1100 wrote:
Oh well. Next year, in Grade 7, I might learn some of that. I already know Power of and absoloute value.
I'm in 7th grade and we haven't learned any of the operations like these <abs( I don't even know what "power of and absoloute value" are.
Wait. Does he mean power of as in exponents? If so I know what he means. I learned it in 5th grade. Sometimes I feel like my school has the worst curriculums. I'm still learning stuff that I learned in 5th grade. It's so boring.
Jacobo wrote:
Wait. Does he mean power of as in exponents? If so I know what he means. I learned it in 5th grade. Sometimes I feel like my school has the worst curriculums. I'm still learning stuff that I learned in 5th grade. It's so boring.
Yes, 2 to the 5th power is the same as 2^5.
I learned I think beginning algebra in 5th grade