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So this poll asks the community what is your favorite aspect or thing about the Scratch website, community, or the program itself!
Since the answers will be very varied. I will only add the answers to the Results Box when the answer is mentioned multiple times.
Like always...Happy Polling!
╠Results Box╣
Do you mean general or specific? And do you mean the site or the program?
GENERAL: I like how we can share our ideas with everyone.
SPECIFIC: I like all the possibilities with every feature in Scratch.
My favorite thing about's awesome because I wanted to try C++ but it was WWWWAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too hard for me so I stopped doing that. I found Scratch in August 2008, and have been doing it ever since. It has cool stuff that is pretty easy for me to use and what I'm suited to. Except I don't understand the trignometrical function blocks. XD
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Pages: 1