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Does any know how to make a scroller. I tried, but it got all glitchy. (I.E scripts took to long to work)
I seriously need help, i got all the sprites to make a game, but just don't know how? Send Help A.S.A.P.
Lots of different ways, see the above thread.
take a scrolling project you really like and look and download it. then to make a simple thing, make a sprite with the script like this:
[blocks]<when green flag clicked><forever><if><key[ right arrow<change x by( 2 ]pressed?><when green flag clicked><forever><if><key[left arrow ]pressed?><change x by( -2)[/blocks] and do the same thing for Y. Forever if up\down pressed change Y by 2\-2.
Well thanks for the tips. Do I need srcatch 1.2 to do a scroller. I have 1.1
If you want to have the sprite jump to a platform, do this so it will land and stay.<when green flag clicked><forever><if><< <not> >><touching color[ <repeat until><touching color[ <change y by( -2 :-)
Have a look at my "Complex Jumping Demo" for a good example of a sprite interacting with platforms - not being able to jump up through them, as well as staning on them, and not partially sinking into them as some platformers allow their sprites to do.
does any1 really know how to make a scroller. I know platforms and junk like that but how do i make it "scroll". (I.E. Tanner-fbi's big cat, or that Mario platform, made by some other guy)
Lots of different ways, see the above thread.
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