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today we are going to make an fps, the standard of all war games. it is fairly simple so long as you fallow my directions. first make the sprite of the gun. make sure it looks good though. name the sprite "gun". now we set the x and y position. put the gun at the bottom of the sreen and type in this coding, <set x to(<mouse x> <forever><hide><go to front><when green flag clicked>. now make a target sprite. just let it sit there and get shot. call the sprite "shotty". now you need to make a second costume for "gun". just copy "gun" and edit "gun2" to have muzzle flair. now program the muzzle flair. type in,<wait( .1<switch to costume[gun] )secsc> <switch to costume[gun2] <mouse down?><if><forever><when green flag clicked> now program "shotty". <wait( .0999<hide> )secsc><play sound[ <when[ shotty ]clicked> . that sould be all. tell me if you have any trouble. okay.
Few things: Thanks for being Scratch related, this isn't troubleshooting, it's "show & Tell", and awesome!
if u ever need to make a solid wall use this script <if><touching[ wall sprite
<change y by( 0 ) hope that helps
I'll move this to All About Scratch since this doesn't seem to belong in Troubleshooting. ^_^
This is a almost a year old. tylerscheller bumped it.
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Pages: 1