Jonathanpb wrote:
Sorry, but:
1. It's going to encourage spamming.
2. Someone could always act normal, and when they reach the amount they go spamming...
3. Some person with a high post count could get hacked, and...
4. People may not spam, but they may post useless posts to get to the amount.
5. People may think of themselves superior to the people with less posts than the amount (this may sound silly, but I'm being serious here).
6. It just feels wrong to give privilages to people with higher post counts. Doesn't anyone agree?
Anyway, my choice for the amount is 500; it's easy for users and enough to annoy the hackers.
1.Before they reach 100 bam!
Ip banned.
2.If they did that then they are stupid as hell(o) first of all if you would spend that much time on the Forums for 30 seconds off the time limit and then waste all those posts by spamming then get IP banned?
3.Well ANYBODY could get hacked.
4.Well if its useless then isn't it spamming?
5.I don't really care.. -.-
What can they do if they think they are superior? Gloat? It will just make them hated.
6.No because you DEVOTED your time on Scratch.
People need to realize that spammers are not going to spend 500 minutes (4 hrs, 20 minutes) just to spam more.
How about its not by a number of posts, but rather than just a mod or scratch team picks you. And I say that not like as a special curator like thing, but if they notice you don't spam, and they atleast know your not a bot, then they let you.
Mr_X wrote:
That's impossible if your actually trying to get your count up
A person who wants to seem like theyre on topic when theyre actually trying to get a higher count would read the topic and then reply. Takes about 40 seconds to do this then 20 secons hitting the submit button.
For example people who frequently say "60 second rule" after a post are trying to get their count up
Actually, it takes me 5 seconds to read the whole topic, and 10 seconds to type up what I want to say most of the time.... Then I go play a game to wait for the 60 seconds and find that I've actually spent 10 minutes playing the game, and forget the point of the post @_@
Lucario621 wrote:
How about its not by a number of posts, but rather than just a mod or scratch team picks you. And I say that not like as a special curator like thing, but if they notice you don't spam, and they atleast know your not a bot, then they let you.
I like this idea. But how about you can only be on the list of people able to have the second rule down after 50 posts?
Last edited by coolperson (2010-01-08 17:43:16)
Any thoughts?
Happens even when I have only 1 post...
rdococ wrote:
Happens even when I have only 1 post...
It happens to everybody, it hasn't happened yet.
Do this:
Middle click quote on all the posts you want to quote. (open in new tab.)
Go to the second one and copy, paste it into the first one. And repeat for all the quotes. Then reply. Looks like this:
coolperson wrote:
Any thoughts?
Reply 1.
rdococ wrote:
Happens even when I have only 1 post...
Reply 2
coolperson wrote:
Lucario621 wrote:
How about its not by a number of posts, but rather than just a mod or scratch team picks you. And I say that not like as a special curator like thing, but if they notice you don't spam, and they atleast know your not a bot, then they let you.
I like this idea. But how about you can only be on the list of people able to have the second rule down after 50 posts?
Reply 3
What if you need to reply to things in differint threads quickly?
ScratchX wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
Sorry, but:
1. It's going to encourage spamming.
2. Someone could always act normal, and when they reach the amount they go spamming...
3. Some person with a high post count could get hacked, and...
4. People may not spam, but they may post useless posts to get to the amount.
5. People may think of themselves superior to the people with less posts than the amount (this may sound silly, but I'm being serious here).
6. It just feels wrong to give privilages to people with higher post counts. Doesn't anyone agree?
Anyway, my choice for the amount is 500; it's easy for users and enough to annoy the hackers.1.Before they reach 100 bam!
Ip banned.
2.If they did that then they are stupid as hell(o) first of all if you would spend that much time on the Forums for 30 seconds off the time limit and then waste all those posts by spamming then get IP banned?
3.Well ANYBODY could get hacked.
4.Well if its useless then isn't it spamming?
5.I don't really care.. -.-
What can they do if they think they are superior? Gloat? It will just make them hated.
6.No because you DEVOTED your time on Scratch.
1. You're not thinking, are you? Even if they're going to get banned, they'll still leave spam for the moderators to clean up. With more spammers, it's more work for the moderators. If you think that's just a small point, it was one of the two main reasons why the Text-Based Games were moved.
2. That could happen. After all, if spammers know that they'll have the 60 second rule to deal with, they might act normal, and then once they reach the limit they'll post crazy. I should point something out here: If there were a spammer that didn't have to worry about the 60 second rule, the forums could be buried in spam. Honestly.
3. Again, you're not thinking. Right now, there's no benefit of hacking someone just to spam the forums, except that their IP address won't be banned; the owner of the account's IP address will instead. But... your way, if someone hacked someone that passed the amount, then the spammer could spam, spam, and spam, and clutter the forums as mentioned earlier. Before we move on, I'll just make something clearer:
The way it is:
The only benefit of hacking someone to spam is that your IP address won't get banned.
Your way:
You could hack someone that passed the limit, and bury the forums - without getting banned.
So... your way would raise the bad effects of people getting hacked.
4. Useless and spam are different. Aren't you thinking? If you don't understand, here's an example.
Person 1: How about an <I receive> block?
Person 2: Great idea! It's easier than using variables, anyway.
Useless poster: Yeah.
A useless post, but if you reported it saying it was spam, it wouldn't be removed. The person isn't spamming, he's giving his opinion on something - yes, even if his post is quite useless.
5. You know how the '07ers were mean to the '09ers?
6. Yet again, you're not thinking. Okay, let's say there are two people. One posts five times a day, and reaches the amount in twenty days (let's say the amount is 100). However, the person is quite useless - all he does is post in Inspiration and More (which is mainly stuff like "What's your favorite color?" Nothing related to Scratch). But anyway, he passes the amount.
Now let's have the second person. He posts once a day, but his posts are very helpful. Nevertheless - it takes him fives times as much time to pass the amount.
You see what I mean? Your idea is flawed. The people who post plenty of useless stuff will get their privilege easily, even though they don't deserve it. You seem to think that people should only get it if they were helpful. Unfortunately, those people weren't helpful. Anyway, the people who barely post, but are very helpful, take a long time to get the privilege they deserve.
You know, here's my main opinion about your suggestion.
•If someone gets hacked, the consequences are much worse.
•This will encourage more spamming, which means more work for the moderators.
•Some people may not deserve getting privileged, while some people may deserve it but not get it. That's a problem.
Anyway... to me, it just feels wrong to give privileges to people that just have a higher post count. All they've done is post a lot, after all...
coolperson wrote:
What if you need to reply to things in differint threads quickly?
You can't be that rushed... it's just a minute, nothing big like five minutes...
I really don't see anything wrong with this idea. Because if someone starts spamming when they have the privledge, the Scratch Team can either ban them or take it away. If someone hacks an account, the Scratch Team BANS THE USER AND THE IP THAT HACKED IT, they do NOT ban the ip of the innocent person.
Johnathanpb wrote:
You know how the '07ers were mean to the '09ers?
Umm, no. I began scratch in 07', began the forums (using alot) in early 09' I didn't see anything that had to do with people from 07' being mean to people from 09'.
That'd be useful, but how would the Scratch team be able to put so many people on the list? I mean, over 70,000 forum users, maybe a bit less than half deserve the list? And there needs to be more clear rules, like maybe every 500 posts, you get 10 seconds off until you have 30 seconds wait total, (At 1500 posts) then it stops. Plus the other ideas are great. It's a HUGE opinion for all of us, of course. Where's the Scratch Team/Forum Moderators?
I thought, adding to the 60 post incentive you are suggesting, you would have to wait a few days before the incentive boost and/or have a certain amount of useful posts. Like the "days" rule for signatures.
carnack wrote:
That'd be useful, but how would the Scratch team be able to put so many people on the list? I mean, over 70,000 forum users, maybe a bit less than half deserve the list? And there needs to be more clear rules, like maybe every 500 posts, you get 10 seconds off until you have 30 seconds wait total, (At 1500 posts) then it stops. Plus the other ideas are great. It's a HUGE opinion for all of us, of course. Where's the Scratch Team/Forum Moderators?
I said that awhile back, I think.
coolperson wrote:
carnack wrote:
That'd be useful, but how would the Scratch team be able to put so many people on the list? I mean, over 70,000 forum users, maybe a bit less than half deserve the list? And there needs to be more clear rules, like maybe every 500 posts, you get 10 seconds off until you have 30 seconds wait total, (At 1500 posts) then it stops. Plus the other ideas are great. It's a HUGE opinion for all of us, of course. Where's the Scratch Team/Forum Moderators?
I said that awhile back, I think.
Which part? Definetely not the entire paragraph.
coolperson wrote:
Johnathanpb wrote:
You know how the '07ers were mean to the '09ers?
Umm, no. I began scratch in 07', began the forums (using alot) in early 09' I didn't see anything that had to do with people from 07' being mean to people from 09'.
You never saw anything? Sure, they never made topics about it, but they sometimes sort of thought of themselves as 'superior' to the '09ers.
Lucario621 wrote:
How about its not by a number of posts, but rather than just a mod or scratch team picks you. And I say that not like as a special curator like thing, but if they notice you don't spam, and they atleast know your not a bot, then they let you.
That'd be great, except that there's the problem that if someone that doesn't have the 60 second rule gets hacked, the forums could very quickly be buried in spam.
Vista4563 wrote:
I thought, adding to the 60 post incentive you are suggesting, you would have to wait a few days before the incentive boost and/or have a certain amount of useful posts. Like the "days" rule for signatures.
(Am I invisible...?)
Last edited by Vista4563 (2010-01-16 17:00:16)
Jonathanpb wrote:
coolperson wrote:
Johnathanpb wrote:
You know how the '07ers were mean to the '09ers?
Umm, no. I began scratch in 07', began the forums (using alot) in early 09' I didn't see anything that had to do with people from 07' being mean to people from 09'.
You never saw anything? Sure, they never made topics about it, but they sometimes sort of thought of themselves as 'superior' to the '09ers.
That's stupid! Mods cleaned it up, though, right?
Vista4563 wrote:
Vista4563 wrote:
I thought, adding to the 60 post incentive you are suggesting, you would have to wait a few days before the incentive boost and/or have a certain amount of useful posts. Like the "days" rule for signatures.
(Am I invisible...?)
I've never seen you, so maybe, yes.
Sorry, I just had to say that.
I like that idea.
coolperson wrote:
Jonathanpb wrote:
coolperson wrote:
Umm, no. I began scratch in 07', began the forums (using alot) in early 09' I didn't see anything that had to do with people from 07' being mean to people from 09'.You never saw anything? Sure, they never made topics about it, but they sometimes sort of thought of themselves as 'superior' to the '09ers.
That's stupid! Mods cleaned it up, though, right?
Yes, it was stupid. Anyway, it was minor enough that it didn't get cleaned up...