Yup, I agree. I keep trying to explain stuff with lists to people
Updating the blocks in the forums: 34 new blocks and delete 5 old ones
Jonathanpb wrote:
After taking a look at the blocks available in the forums and in the Scratch program, I have come to the conclusion that the forum blocks have not been updated since Scratch 1.1.
The things that need to be done:
1: Numbers must be changed to Operators.
2: Motor Blocks need to be added.
3: We are missing 34 blocks and have 5 old blocks that no longer exist.
4 (optional but nice):06dknibbs wrote:
I would like it if the images we're made a little smoother and updated
I don't really like using the forum blocks at the moment as it can be messy and hard to read when mixing certain blocksThe blocks are fuzzy, big, and people don't like to use them because it's all messy (some people build scripts in Scratch, import a picture of the script to some photo-hosting website, and use that instead of the forum blocks). Is it possible to change it? And it would be nice if the blocks fit together nicer (again, if that's possible).
The missing blocks:
Motion: None
Looks: (costume)
Sound: [play sound [ ] until done], [play drum [ ] for ( ) beats], [play note [ ] for ( ) beats], [rest for [ ] beats], [change volume by [ ]], [set volume to [ ]], (volume), [change tempo by [ ]], [set tempo to [ ]], (tempo)
Pen: None
Control: None
Sensing: [ask [ ] and wait], (answer), ([ ] of [ ]), ([ ] sensor value), <[ ] sensor [button pressed]>
Operators: (join [ ][ ]), (letter ( ) of [ ]), (length of [ ]), ([ ] of [ ])
Variables: [show variable [ ]], [hide variable [ ]], [add [ ] to [List]], [delete [ ] of [List]], [insert [ ] at [ ] of [List]], [replace item ( ) of [List] with [ ]], (item ( ) of [List]), (length of [List]), <[List] contains [ ]>
Motor Blocks: [motor on for [ ] secs], [motor on], [motor off], [motor power [ ]], [motor direction [ ]]
The old blocks that need to be removed are:
Motion: None
Looks: None
Sound: [play sound [ ] and wait], [play drum [ ] for ( ) secs], [play note [ ] for ( ) secs] (those last two have been replaced by beats instead of seconds)
Pen: None
Sensing: [color [ ] is over [ ]]
Operators: (abs [ ]) (it has been replaced by "([ ] of [ ] )" )
Variables: None
Motor Blocks: None (since the forums haven't been updated yet)
This is urgent. Look at it! It hasn't been updated for a long time, and we're missing tons of blocks and having three old blocks that need to be removed! It's not good.
This explains a lot.
I wish they would hurry up! The forums uses Scratch 1.1, come on!