On the Japanese locale of Scratch, the operator [blocks](( <mod> ))[/blocks] is not correctly translated.
For instance, we say "a mod b", "a を b で 割った余り" (a wo b de watta amari) in Japanese. But in Scratch of the current version (ver 1.4), Mod works as "aでbを割った余り" (a de b wo watta amari).
Hello Riduker -
Thanks for letting us know about this!
Would you be willing to help us fix it? None of us really know Japanese, so it would be very helpful if you could apply the corrections. There are instructions on how to sign up for an account on our pootle server here:
Choose "Translating scratch.mit.edu"
Once you've made the update, future versions of Scratch should have the correct translation.
Hello, Lightnin
Thank you for moving my message to appropriate BBS.
To clarify this problem, I explain the trouble again in English. The problem of this issue is that the two arguments of the MOD operator in Japanese edition of Scratch are reversed. That is, the return value of "a MOD b" is currently "b MOD a".
I have just checked the Japanese translation of Mod operator by the ja.po file placed at http://translate.scratch.mit.edu/ja/scratch/ja.po
It says;
msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n を %n で割った余り"
I understand that `msgid' is the original English name and that `msgstr' is the translated one. This translation is *ALL RIGHT*. But, the MOD operator of current version Scratch doesn't work as users expected.
Maybe, this trouble occured because the two parameters of MOD indistinguishable. Both parameters are described by "%n" and the order of the two parameters can not be specified by the .po file.
To solve this trouble, there are two ways:
(1) Exchange the two textbox of the MOD operator on the code of Japanese edition Scratch system. That is," [X] ** [Y] ****" --> " [Y] ** [X] ****" (where `*'symbols represents some Japanese characters)
or (2) To fix ja.po such as;
msgid "%n mod %n"
msgstr "%n で %n を割った余り"
I believe that the former solution is the better for users.
Thank you.
Hello, Riduker
I'm a translator of Japanese po file (ja.po and ja_HIRA.po).
Thank you for your report.
Some Japanese scratchers reported same problem and it was already fixed on the translation server. Please check the following site:
and you can download corrected ja.po file from here:
I described it on the following topic of this forum. (written in Japanese)
I hope it helps you.
Kazuhiro Abe
Google said "%nを国防省%nを"
ThePCKid wrote:
Google said "%nを国防省%nを"
Unfortunately Google translation is not correct anytime. 'mod' has many meanings. Modulo, Ministry of Defence, etc. Google translation doesn't know which is better in this case.
Thank you for your reply, abee.
abee wrote:
Hello, Riduker
Some Japanese scratchers reported same problem and it was already fixed on the translation server. Please check the following site:
I didn't know that this issue was already fixed. I should have found your former entry.
Now, I have downloaded the new po file, and checked that the updated Scratch works correctly.
I appreciate your help.