This is why Scratch isn't that good with graphics, because you have to use lists to make a sprite look like multiple ones. Well, I came up with an ingenious idea to rescue all of you Scratch game developers! Mini-Sprites! Ever wondered what they are? Well, look an learn!
There should be a tick box on the top of the sprite's icon saying 'Mini-Sprite?' and if this has been checked, all the [when green flag clicked] scripts should turn into 'when mini-sprite created' scripts.
Now, it's up to other sprites to create a copy of this sprite (there can be more than one copy) using a new script named [create sprite [drop down list of all mini-sprites]].
For example, I have an aeroplane, and it moves towards the mouse pointer. It also shoots ammo when the space key is clicked, so the script should be:
[if <key [space] clicked>]
|[create [ammo]]
The ammo's script is:
[when mini-sprite created]
[go to [plane]]
[point towards [mouse pointer]]
[repeat until <touching [edge]>]
Good isn't it?