Well why did you give your email anyways if you are afraid of privacy?
See these threads on why the Scratch Team doesn't want a PM system.
firedruid wrote:
i would like to see a pm system in the website cuz i have sum stuff like i gave my email to a friend of mine but i had to post it in his project and anyone can see it and i am not comfortable with that
i gave my email to a FRIEND of mine i think to help me or have a battle with pokemon i dont remember
Please, avoid sharing any kind of personal information on this website EVEN with people you know. The message might have been intended to be shared with a friend but ANYONE can read it.
As for PM system, yes, please take a look at those thread that relyt12101 was kind enough to post.
Hey. About the top loved lately section on the homepage - there obviously has to be some sort of restrictions on what can be put on there. By this i mean it has to have so many views and love its, added recently etc. For example - 200 views and 20 love its and 800 views and 21 love its. Which one would get in over the over? Would someone be willing to to share some information on this as my game has 100 views and 18 love its (18% Loved it) and the top loved has 800+ views and 34 love its (4% loved it).
Can someone please clear up some of this stuff for me? Mainly view minimum (if any), if it's based on number of love its or views : love it ratio?
Thankyou, Dibbo222...
ps. here's my project: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Dibbo222/135762 thankyou again!
Last edited by Dibbo222 (2008-04-08 08:22:10)
It's top loved RECENTLY, so if a project gets a lot of Love Its frequently it will be added there.