Dear Scratch Team.
A lot of people make suggestions for what they see as improvements for Scratch.
IMO most of these are not commented upon by Scratch team members and we are left to argue the merits amongst ourselves. :-)
We, as users/customers/testers, seem to be completely cut-off from any descision making progress and at the mercy/whim of your esteemed selves, which seems at odds with the public image of Scratch :-)
Do you have any ideas yourselves on how to remedy this situation?
Actually, the Scratch team do occasionally join the discussion to say that some feature is likely to be in the next release or why they aren't going to do it. A lot of the suggestions made on this forum were implemented in v1.2.1, so there is clear evidence that they are listening.
I agree with Kevin. Just have a look at how this website is evolving along the suggestions of community members!
Also, as far as the Scratch language is concerned, consider the new ability to let a sprite query another sprite's attributes and variables, the introduction of 'volume', the shift to 'beats per minute' in musical command blocks, the 'rest for _ beats' block, the new mathematical functions (esp. trig) and the ability to translate Scratch. All of these new features have been requested and discussed by members in this forum. All of this also indicates, that the Scratch developers are much more open for - even sudden - changes due to comunity suggestions than is your impression.
What the Scratch developers indeed seldomly (if ever) do, is join into a public discussion about what 'should' be done to Scratch or not. Personally I don't regard this as a sign of lack of interest, but rather as a polite and gentle way of not overwhelming the community with their own opinions.
Of course there are many impatient members - myself included - who can't wait for some new features to be included in Scratch (e.g. arrays, movie support, midi files) and would love to 'hack' such things themselves. It will be fun to observe such experiments once the Scratch source code is made freely accessible.
IMO again
"most of these are not commented upon by Scratch team members"
is another way of wording
"the Scratch team do occasionally join the discussion "
"What the Scratch developers indeed seldomly (if ever) do, is join into a public discussion about what 'should' be done to Scratch or not"
All of this also indicates, that the Scratch developers are much more open for - even sudden - changes due to comunity suggestions than is your impression.
It is the lack of knowing whether suggestions are being taken on board or not that is my problem. :-)
Generally, it seems that the scratch team doesn't know themselves exactly what will be in each release. They are working on many things, and which ones will be ready for a release are not always clear. For example, they thought they would release comment blocks in v1.2, but they backed off on that, and the way tempo was handled was changed (for the better) between v1.2beta and v1.2.1.
When the Scratch team has said that they'll do something, some people on the forums have gotten very impatient. Perhaps they just want a little time to do things right, without people breathing down their necks!
SimpleScratch: the Scratch Team does read most of the forum posts. Apologies if you think we have ignored some of your suggestions!
The development process of Scratch is guided by feedback of the community and our internal process. I typically answer forum posts that haven't been answered, or that are quick to reply or that are particularly critical. I think it's great to let the community argue about future features. When the time to decide what the next feature is, we certainly look at the forums and get a general idea of what's the community asking for.
For the development of the website I have a bugzilla repository where I store all the suggestions. I am not sure it would be useful to give everyone access to it, but that's something I've considered.
Some examples of features that have come from the community are: multi-language support to the website, this was as a result of a thriving German-speaking Scratch community and the interest from a group of people in Switzerland who are going to use Scratch for a national event over there. Another example is a recent bug report posted on the forums:
Of course, there is limited time and resources so we don't get involved in as many threads as we wished. We asked kevin_karplus and Jens (two very active users) to help us moderate the forums and they are doing an outstanding job. We will soon be inviting younger member to join those efforts too.
In short, we do care a lot about your opinions. Please do not feel discouraged to voice your opinion. We have limited time and resources but we'll do our best to listen to everyone.
This isn't about my suggestions - its about the many I see from others that just seem to
In short, we do care a lot about your opinions.
I believe you do - the trouble is - it is just a belief - we have nothing to indicate whether (in majority of cases) suggestions are being seriously considered or not. People think they've made a good suggestion but have no idea whether the Scratch team think the same or not.
The latest example is the previous costume requests - there has been no comment from the Scratch team (AFAIK :- )
This seems (to me at least) to be a no-brainer - either the Scratch team think - oh - YES - of course we should have it - silly us for missing it out - or - they think - NO - we have a good reason for not having such a block.
Now, either way, I'd have thought the team could indicate their thinking.
This is just the last example I've noticed - don't intend to bring the discussion of the merits of that item here - just the process :-)
PS I love Scratch and applaud the team for their efforts - my posts are intended to help by prodding and pushing progress - I'm battling (hopefully in a nice way!) on behalf of the younger Scratchers here :-)
Thanks Simon. I used to post a message to most suggestions saying, things like "Good idea, we'll consider it" But then some people thought their suggestion was going to be in the next version for sure leaving them, perhaps, very disappointed.
That discouraged me in particular to reply to people's suggestions. Also, sometimes I feel like some suggestions are good in general but not the highest priority. I don't know how to convey that message in a way that doesn't discourage people from suggesting things. It takes a lot of time to answer those things in a thoughtful way.
I guess there is always the challenge of having limited resources and (almost) unlimited features to implement. Which ones to implement? Why? How to please most people and don't annoy too many? Etcetera.
That discouraged me in particular to reply to people's suggestions. Also, sometimes I feel like some suggestions are good in general but not the highest priority. I don't know how to convey that message in a way that doesn't discourage people from suggesting things. It takes a lot of time to answer those things in a thoughtful way.
Well, as an optimist (most of time anyway) I like to think that most problems (apart from War and Poverty in the world) can be solved :-)
My suggestion would be a web page(s) that had a short description of feature request, maybe a link to forum thread, an indication of likelyhood of incorporating into next release (1- 10 1 no chance - 10 definite) and some comments as to why it won't be if not high on agenda or why team think it a great idea and they'll bend over backwards to try and implement it :-)
Thats just my 2 cents worth- I'm sure something better could be arranged :-)
My suggestion would be a web page(s) that had a short description of feature request, maybe a link to forum thread, an indication of likelyhood of incorporating into next release (1- 10 1 no chance - 10 definite) and some comments as to why it won't be if not high on agenda or why team think it a great idea and they'll bend over backwards to try and implement it :-)
Thats just my 2 cents worth- I'm sure something better could be arranged :-)
Just reposting to see if we can get some movement on this issue - or even a response that says -go away - we are busy
Since last year, things seem to have actually got worse
Jens is leading the way forward and even I've done a tiny bit myself to widen Scratch out but "nothing" from the team AFAIK (apart from we are working on unicode version statement recently )
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - will someone address this issue or if the will to progress has gone from the Scratch team and they've moved on to the next thing - can the source code be properly licenced out and Jens can start really moving
Maybe I'm just missing the posts
I agree with SimpleScratch that the change process should be MUCH more transparent. I am discouraged enough to the point that I am no longer participating in most of the "suggestions for improvement" that appear in the Forum. I don't know what to say...many of these suggestions appear again and gets tiresome to simply say "Yes, this is a good idea. I hope it is implemented some day too. You were smart to think of it." It would be much better to be able to say "Take a look at change request #489 (currently scheduled for release in 2010) and see if that will do what you are asking".
And another is Jen's work (and other Squeak enthusiasts) going to affect the Scratch development process? Now that he has implemented Lists in Scratch, is that likely to fast-track that feature to the official version? How much weight does the development team put on public development efforts? It would be great to know if there is already an official initiative in place to add Lists; what it looks like and when it is likely to be released.
I have great respect for the work of the Scratch Team but the lack of feedback on the change process is quite frustrating.
I believe it's good to have discussions about suggested features, and I share some of Paddle2See's exhaustion about commenting the same suggestions again and again while second-guessing the developers' intentions.
Personally I find Scratch to be a very mature product, with no immediate need for frequent / major add-ons. Internationalization, on the other hand, looks like a very desirable effort to me, and full UTF-8 support can probably only be appreciated by a non-English native speaker . It is also something amateurs (like me) simply cannot accomplish.
Among several reasons I am so enthusiastic about Scratch is that I cannot remember *ever* having browsed Smalltalk code that was *so* well written as Scratch is (I could go on for days in praise of Scratch's guts...). I'm also very happy with Scratch *not* being a community-driven development project. Just look what has happened to Squeak: The community has all but developed Squeak to death, bloating up and slowing down the code base with half-baked, unfinished and poorly documented layers upon layers of complexity (please don't flame me for this, fellow Squeakers...). So, again please, let's *not* have community code in the official Scratch image!
I'm perfectly happy with the generous Scratch Source Code license. It allows us to publish (experimental) community versions based on Scratch, and the Scratch Team is even actively supporting it. What could be better?
So, while we're all waiting for Scratch to mature gracefully why not inspire the Scratch-Team with some more suggestions and possibly even some changesets (user configurable blocks, anyone?)...
I would be nice to be able to see a "working list" of things that the developers are giving consideration to. I'm wondering about my "local broadcast" suggestion:
It would be nice to know if the idea "caught the eye" of the development team and is something they might pursue (or not). I realize that the reason to run with a suggestion vs reject it can't be posted (too much work), so the list would logically just be of things being considered (and not mention rejected ideas).
I'd love to be able to get some feel for what may be coming, even if my totally excellent suggestion isn't on the list. Perhaps those of us really into Scratch could also gain a better feel for the "philosophy" of the developers by studying the proposed list.
a simple "thats an interesting proposal we might consider" would be nice occasionally to show that at least someone from the scratch team has notice the suggestion even if they do not give opinions on the idea.
So, while we're all waiting for Scratch to mature gracefully why not inspire the Scratch-Team with some more suggestions and possibly even some changesets (user configurable blocks, anyone?)...
Jens - you are the only one around here that understands the code
The Scratch team has had many many suggestions - we have had little little feedback
Among several reasons I am so enthusiastic about Scratch is that I cannot remember *ever* having browsed Smalltalk code that was *so* well written as Scratch is
Well - I'm not so impressed! I have looked at the code with a mind to trying to alter the layout to fit onto an 800x600 display (for my schools) and then for 800x480 (to get it onto the eeePC) but the code looks to be full of x=40, y=60 type code - no declared constants in sight!
And looking at the code - I can see why the team is so averse to a comment block in Scratch ( tongue in cheek comment )
But I'd just like to see a feedback system for all the many junior Scratchers that are not used to the adult world of compiler development in a educational institution (I had to contend with Pascal back in 1977
Hi everyone. Sorry if it feels like no one is listening to your suggestions! We truly appreciate your interest in Scratch!
Here is my view on the issues:
What you are asking requires a lot of time on Product Management. Having deadlines, release dates, Gantt charts, etc... it starts to sound like, for the outsider, Scratch is like a commercial product or an open source project. Scratch is interesting because it is neither of those! Yes, the code is there fore anyone to change but we are not managing a community of developers and taking their changes (for multiple reasons, one of them is time and another is what Jens mentioned).
In the Scratch team there are only two full-time people working on the code of Scratch. It's not thousands of people like in a product from Microsoft, or an army of open source developers like in Firefox. Any of those models has pros and cons, and so does our model.
A lot of us in the Scratch Team are graduate students, myself included, who left jobs working on commercial software to work on a meaningful and open-ended project like Scratch. We are really passionate about technologies that empower people and spread certain educational ideas and a little less about feeling like we are working on a commercial product with tight deadlines and so on...
For example, I worked with others on the on-line community aspect of it as part of my masters thesis. I am now trying to explore other areas for Scratch but I find myself spending a lot of time just browsing the website, fixing bugs and working with the IT people on the health of the website.
We are also busy with other aspects of being a graduate students and juggling tons of other projects and activities, some of them related to Scratch, but not necessarily visible to the outside world. A lot of us are more interested in the academic research aspect of Scratch as opposed to the day to day things related to Scratch, but yet we spent time trying to manage the community, distributing Scratch Boards, running workshops, etc.
A few months ago we decided to search for a Project Coordinator who will be able to be more of a spokesperson for Scratch. I believe she will be joining in May and we hope she will be able to communicate in a more detailed fashion what's going on inside the group as well as collect your suggestions.
That was probably too long of an answer but I hope it gives you an idea of what's going on.
If John and Evelyn have some some spare time (although they are probably too busy right now working on Unicode support) they might be able tell you what other features might be coming. But let's not take too much of their time!
Hi, all.
I can't add much to what Andrés wrote.
Unicode support is a huge project which is consuming most of our time. For those of you who already have Scratch in your own language, Unicode is not a big deal. But Unicode is crucial to people in parts of the world that don't use the Latin character set (India, Asia, the middle East, Russia, Greece, etc.); most folks in those countries cannot use Scratch at all until it has Unicode support. So Unicode is our priority for the next release. There will not be many new features this time; I hope that is not too disappointing.
I agree with SimpleScratch, Paddle2See, and others that it would be useful to have an organized list of feature suggestions. Although we don't have the time to put one together ourselves right now, this could be an opportunity for some of you to contribute. Set up a webpage (or maybe a Wiki), group the suggestions into categories, write a short summary of each feature and it's pros and cons along with links back to the detailed forum discussions about that feature, and then post a link to your web page here (and perhaps send us a note via the "contact us" form). We may create something like this ourselves eventually but if someone beats us to it then we'll have something to build on.
For those of you can come to the Scratch@MIT conference, I bet we will have many good discussions there about the future of Scratch.
We really appreciate the energy, ideas, and enthusiasm you all put into Scratch. It's great working in such a wonderful community.
-- John
Last edited by johnm (2008-04-11 10:27:20)