Hi, I'm fairly certain someone else has probably posted this already, but anyway...
Upon searching through the xbox live arcade, i stumbled across an "Indie Game" that allowed people to create simple 3d applications. " Interesting" I thought as scratch immediately passed through my mind. A game that allows for programming with only the xbox 360 controller. I went to the internet to check out the reviews. i read online that the game, Kodu, only has a limited amount of objects to place in the 3d environment.
Now if a program like that can exist, why can't good ol' 2d with paint scratch be availible? From what i have read, the 360 has near to or more than the processing capabilities of your average P.C. and shares many of the same components and coding(Direct X, Etc.) and it has plenty of memory since it can be fitted with a hard drive ( Mine is 20 Gb. . I don't really care if a X.B.L. sharing service wasn't availible. You could just make it so that you have to transfer to computer, like with Windows Media Player. Anyway, i think that the 360 is the best candidate for a different platform of Scratch.
P.S. if i could suggest a name for the scratch interface on the 360, i would prefer CatBox 360