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#1 2007-06-07 06:29:40

Registered: 2007-05-24
Posts: 100+

Why so many posts of the same project?

This morning, I noticed that there was a sudden flurry of the same post appearing with different member names. Can someone explain what this is - I assumed it was a network of members swapping ideas, but so many versions appeared within about 4-5 minutes, this didn't seem to make sense because the project names were either all different or altered slightly:

gaz tivi
gaz tive
metah govoa

I'm very confused.

Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-07 06:34:15)



#2 2007-06-13 11:27:19

Registered: 2007-05-24
Posts: 100+

Re: Why so many posts of the same project?

I hope not. I belong to several other forums, two of which have been the subject of attack by spammers or hackers. One was temporarily disabled (spam) and the other was seriously damaged (hacked). In both cases, the forum administrators had to toughen up the signing-up process for would-be members.



#3 2007-06-14 10:16:35

Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 100

Re: Why so many posts of the same project?

I do not think this is spam (Phew!).  The projects seem to be a class project from users all from the same area. 

Thanks for the warning!



#4 2007-06-17 10:33:44

Registered: 2007-04-21
Posts: 27

Re: Why so many posts of the same project?

What I have noticed a lot lately is that some users aren't creating any Scratch projects of their own or very little of their own, but just posting projects that other people make that have been included with Scratch 1.1. A good example of a user who does this is called Omerh, the majority of his projects are not his creation, but are projects included with Scratch 1.1. I can tell because in Scratch 1.1, the included projects have numbers before them to show the complexity of the project and the projects he posted still have the number, so it is clear that he just reposted them and called them his creation. I am aware that some projects he has made, but not too many. This is done by many users and many are starting to get very annoyed. I hope that soon their will be a way to detect this and stop it from happening. Thanks



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