it would be great to have a block that tells a sprite: "follow this line", and you can easily set waypoints for AI characters in games.
this would eliminate a problem im sure everyone has had, where the timing is messed up because of several complicated scripts running at the same time. plus it would make it much easier to tell the game's AI's what to do.
the way i've been doing it is either making a path of several "invisible" sprites and making the AI follow the path, or making complicated scripts telling the AI to go to different places. but these are mind-boggling and tiring so it would be good if there was a simple way to do it.
I put together something like that, with moving waypoints for AI, at:
this was ultimately used for:
heybrian1: i like that idea of AI as well, and there are a few interesting ways of "learning" (like artificial neural networks, which to my knowledge nobody has simulated in scratch), but most computer AI is merely meant to trick the human into thinking that there's something thinking in the background. Compare, for example, the feeling of playing online Halo 3 and playing your friends through xboxLive, or playing super smash brothers brawl against the computer or your buddy playing that game-and-watch guy, or fighting off a zerg rush in starcraft when it's actually generated by a human. Also, remember, not all humans learn from their mistakes, in racing or in any other context
Last edited by chalkmarrow (2008-04-01 21:54:02)
Oh i hate it when your just starting on starcraft and the copmuter emieditly sends the little things to kll you. On topic: Really good AI would have the power of techinique, and thinking of a human mind. Like for example, being able to drive, in a car, as in AI, unscripted, so if theres an enemy he can splatter them. Or, by learning that it wont splatter him he gets out and uses a sniper. For example, in rainbow six vegas, the AI chooses weather to flank you, or attack from the front depending on how you act. if you never look back they will flank you. they are LEARING. If you always look back they probably wont flank you. That last statment is true, of course. Unless your in the "never give up" stage. Im ussaly in the "Never give up" Stage.