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I started this thread in the hope that it might be useful to identify free or affordable software that can be used to create or manipulate music or image files so that these can be used in Scratch. The list of software has now grown to quite a substantial length, so I am altering this 'starter message' to include an idex of what follows. I will update this list as necessary. It will be in alpahebtical order for simplicity.
------------------------------- INDEX OF SOFTWARE IN THIS THREAD -------------------------------
Acid Express (wavefile editor and multitrack mixdown - free after online registration)
Anvil Studio (full midi sequencer – free with optional shareware add-ons)
Audacity (sound recorder and editor – free)
Audioblast (wavefile editor and manipulator – free)
Azureus (bit-torrent download engine – useful if you want to download Rebirth – free)
Balabolka (text-to-speech synthesiser using PC SAPI4 or SAPI5 voices, wavefiles – free)
Brush strokes (image editor – free and also shareware)
DeepBurn (data, music and .iso CD burner – useful if you want to download Rebirth – free)
Drumsynth (sound effect and drumsound maker, wavefiles – free)
Easy Music Composer (midifile creator - free and shareware)
Finale Notepad (notation-based composition. Latest versions support guitar tab. Free but uses own file format. Shareware for midi)
Gimp (image manipulation - free. It's interface has a steep learning curve)
Hammerhead (rhythm-maker, wavefiles when streamed – free)
Inkscape (scalable vector graphic creator - free)
Irfanview (image viewer and adjuster - free)
Jam (List chord names and create a simple backing/background track. Free)
Kristal Audio Engine (wavefile editor and multitrack mixdown - free)
Little Drummer Boy (create drum and SFX loops. Was shareware, now free)
Midi2Wav (converts midi files to any one of several wavefile formats - shareware)
MidiPiano (play and record via a virtual keyboard. Free)
MSPaint (image maker and editor – part of PC setup)
Music in the numbers (semi-randon music composer, midfile – free)
Photo razor (batch image re-sizer – free)
Photofiltre (image editor – free with shareware alternative)
Rebirth (massively famous techno-rhythm creator. Now free. Uses own format – a shame)
Sawcutter (unique SFX & music creator, midi and .wav - free plus a shareware alternative)
Simsynth (digital sample creator, wavefiles – free)
Synchomatic (digital sample creator, wavefiles – free)
Tu2 / 'The Tuareg' (rhythm maker and synth, export to .wav is possible. This is fairly complex software – free)
Wavosaur (wavefile editor and manipulator – free)
I included a few programs that save music only as midi, even though as yet Scratch does not support this format …. but we can live in hope. (If this IS something you need to explore, look at the shareware program Midi2Wav later on in this thread.)
If you want to add any suggestions, please provide the URL and a brief description so that others can decide if they want to investigate further. Thanks.
IRFANVIEW (freeware)
Superb tool for re-sizing, editing or making colour adjustments to images. This is probably one of the most popular and downloaded freeware image editors on the internet.
BRUSH STROKES (freeware version and a shareware version)
A useful image editor but with most options restricted until registered.
PHOTO RAZOR (freeware)
Software for resizing batches of images. Meant as a thumbnail generator, but I used it to batch-resize well over 100 images that I created as backgrounds for ‘Tales Animator’ so that they would fit the Scratch screen size. It took 12 seconds!!!!
Don’t overlook the image editor that’s been a part of Windows since the days when dinosaurs walked the Earth. It may be clunky at times, but it can also be VERY useful and powerful, and if you have a PC, you’ve already got it.
HAMMERHEAD (freeware)
6-channel drumloop creator. You can save files in its own format or stream to disk as a wave file. Lots of extras can be downloaded to support it – including extra drumkits. Long loops can be made.
Tu2 (The Tuareg) (freeware version and a shareware version)
Loop-maker with several inbuilt VST-style interfaces. Not for the inexperienced, but very powerful. By the same author as ‘Hammerhead’ but not as easy or intuitive to learn. With patience (and a LOT of practice), some stunning effects can be achieved. Creations can be saved as wave files or mp3. Long sequences are possible.
EMC (Easy Music Composer) (freeware version and a shareware version)
Uses a highly unusual system to create music when you type in a chord sequence. These can be changed by repeating the ‘compose’ process or you can alter notes manually. I use the registered version which allows you to export as midi …. I don’t know if the freeware version does. Again, this isn’t for the inexperienced and the approach will not suit everyone.
ANVIL STUDIO (freeware version with shareware add-ons)
A superb midi-maker that allows you to enter music in all the usual ways – by musical keyboard, via notation or by piano roll. The freeware version is totally functional. You only use the shareware feature if you want to buy add-ons. These are not essential.
SYNCHOMATIC (freeware)
Digital sample creator, very useful for making sound effects. You can save using the .wav format. There are quite a few programs like this that are free, but this one is easier than most to understand and manipulate. Also consider 'Simsynth' --->
SIMSYNTH (version 1 freeware, version 2 shareware)
Another sound sample generator – by the same author as ‘Hammerhead’ and ‘Tu2’. Quite easy to use – but remember to ‘make’ the sample or else you won’t hear it! You can save as wave files.
A very strange program and probably of more limited appeal. This creates music using rules. It isn’t random or fractal and is better for creating strange percussion rhythms. You can save as midi but not .wav. Definitely not for the inexperienced – but it is easy to play-around with. BUT … BUT … if you try this program, make sure you first specify how many seconds of music you want to record. If you don’t, you will get something lasting HOURS.
Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-15 01:50:15)
Finale Notepad
is free software for conventional music notation. You have to pay for an upgrade to get MIDI I/O though.
If anyone knows of useful freeware or affordable shareware that allows users to save files in formats that can be used with Scratch (or easily converted into such files), I'm sure that that would be really useful.
Here's another free and powerful image editor. This one is unusual in that it can be downloaded for use with many different languages. It probably isn't quite so suitable for anyone inexperienced in the use of fairly advanced image editors and processors.
PHOTOFILTRE (freeware but with a shareware version now available)
Originally produced in English and French versions, other language add-ons can now be downloaded at The updated and shareware version can be seen at
You can record voice samples using a microphone, but if you have a PC and want to use the SAPI 4 voices, try this program
You can type in text and choose one of many voices to 'read it. You can save text as .txt and speech as .wavs - but remember to put the cursor at the START of the text that has to be read or you just record the final word. You can alter speed and pitch of chosen voices. This is the best free voice synthesizer I've found so far. Scroll down the webpage for added details and resources.
I posted a short demo project here:
Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-07 06:03:24)
I've used audacity for recording and trimming sounds---it is also useful for pitch and tempo changing. It isn't the most user-friendly interface, but it does work if you read the help pages. It is free and cross-platform, so I won't complain too much about it:
Here are two more interesting programs for the editing of wavefiles.
Wavosaur (freeware)
A very efficient, small-sized and easy-to-use wavefile editor. You can edit, cut paste and test. Just load your files, they can be played individually, chopped up and edited at will. Much easier to use than the PC’s own SoundRecorder (WINDOWS\system32\sndrec32.exe)
If you want to use more complex procedures like VST's, they can be applied - as can a good variety of different skins. This is a program for both the inexperienced and, if you use other options, the more experienced.
Two or three good tutorial and help guides can also be downloaded if you search the website.
or there's .........
Audioblast (freeware)
Another wavefile editor. This one allows the use of some effects such as slowdown, alien or echo. Not as immediately intuitive as ‘Wavosaur’ but worth trying. The addition of echo is particularly easy to vary and control.
Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-07 14:42:43)
Following on from that last post about two good wave editors, if you want to be able to make .wav mixdowns using a traditional mixer, try this. Once again, you need some experience of this sort of software to get the best from it - but the Help section works well offline.
KRISTAL AUDIO ENGINE (free for non-commercial use)
Download from:
Read about:
This from the start of the help section ..... "KRISTAL Audio Engine is a powerful multi-track recorder, audio sequencer and mixer – ideal for anyone wanting to get started with recording, mixing and mastering digital audio. It is designed as a modular system. The main application provides a mixing console, while the audio sequencer, live audio input and so on are loaded as separate PlugIns."
Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-08 09:25:42)
This may not be of much relevance to Scratchers - but it's too good a thing to overlook ......
For those brave souls who want to go to the REALLY high-end of sound manipulation and creation -->
and if you know how to use bit torrent downloads and don't mind a MASSIVE download --->
and I DO mean 'massive' (200mb+) ---->
the full iso image of the REBIRTH installation CD is now released as freeware.
(For those who don't know what an 'iso' file is - imagine it as being like a snapshot of an installation CD. It can't be used 'as-is' but contains data that can be turned back into executable and associated files). You can't just download an iso and expect it to run or install anything.
Rebirth is most definitely not for the faint-hearted, but it's undoubtedly the apex of what is available free of charge. This is an amazing offer from the Rebirth people. All you need to do is to register with their site (free) and then you get access.
So here's how to get Rebirth up and running on your PC. (Don't know about Macs).
To actually download the file, you need a program that will handle bit torrent files.
I used 'Azureus' and it worked perfectly. This needs to be installed on your machine before you try to download Rebirth.
Then you can go to the Rebirth website and find the iso that is on offer.
Download it into a folder on your hard drive and then use any burner that can use an iso file to burn a CD. An excellent free program is 'DeepBurn' which can be used for burning data and music CD’s as well as converting iso images into usable data CD’s.
After doing all that, you end up with a CD that is a legal copy of the full installation disc for Rebirth – and lots of Mods are still available for download if you want to get really anally-retentive about the whole thing.
Just make sure you have a copious supply of coffee to hand as you download the main Rebirth file !!!
Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-08 09:51:37)
Drumsynth v.2 (freeware)
The title of this program may make you think it's only suitable for creating or adjusting the wavefiles of drum sounds. That IS it's main function. but it is also versatile enough and easy enough to use to let you play with and create all sorts of bubbles. burbles, bangs and squeaks as sound effects. Well worth a look and runs from its folder without needing to be installed.
Here one more freeware and one SHAREWARE program that can be very useful
ACID EXPRESS 5.0 (freeware)
A classic mixdown engine for using wavefiles as the basis for composition or blending together to make sound-effect soundtracks. You can import your own wavefiles. After download, you have to register online to activate the program. This is free and you can reject the sending of any further emails. You get a quick nag screen at the end, but that's easily ignored. Another freeware alternative is KRISTAL AUDIO ENGINE which has already been mentioned.
Midi2Wav (shareware)
A superbly efficient program for converting midi files into .wav files which, of course, can then be edited, imported, chopped up etc. In its price range (which is minimal) it's the best I've found.
Two programs that are outstanding for image manipulation:
The GNU Image Manipulation Tool (GIMP):
Available under the GPL (with source code) and available with Linux (works best), Windows, and Mac OS/X. While getting easier to use, it is quite complicated, although the tools available are very comparable to Photoshop and similar classes of image tools. Active support and *very* stable software. Supports most "free" or documented graphical formats including GIF, Jpeg, PNG, Windows Bitmap (works in Mac version too!), Raw, TIFF, and others.
Free software (GPL) primiarily oriented towards rendering graphical images as opposed to editing or manipulating images, and the emphasis is toward "scalable vector graphic" file formats (*.svg) There are image files that can be scaled without too much distortion and include rendering information. This software will also convert *.svg files to PNG formats that can be read by Scratch. Currently on version 0.45, but don't let this version number fool you, it is a very powerful software package with a very active development team.
Sawcutter 1 (freeware)
Sawcutter2 (shareware)
This program is almost impossible to describe. Best download the free version and find out for yourself. Basically, you DRAW the music or sounds you want to create on a screen that approximates a classic piano roll. You can also draw the wavefiles, or alter the existing waveforms. It's unlike anything else I've ever encountered and simply as a weird way to explore sound it's wonderful. Dr Jim made me aware that you can save compositions as midi files AND as .wavs. Sawcutter could be great for creating outlandish sound effects or actual music.
I am posting four projects which show the main GUI's for many of the sound and music programs listed above. Hopefully these will help people decide which (if any) they want to try.
A few additional programs are illustrated in those projects - they are .....
JAM (Freeware)[id]197[SiteID]digibuy
You’ll need to scroll down this webpage to find Jam.
Type in chord names and create a simple background track. (Also useful for musicians who want to jam … hence it’s name).
Make sure you keep a note of the registration code on the webpage. This program was shareware but is now free so you are given a ‘universal’ registration code.
This program lets you create drum loops. Not as good as Hammerhead, but simpler.
Last edited by mohlar (2007-06-14 13:13:17)
If you have a large drawing that you want to cut up into lots of identically sized squares (eg, if you have downloaded a sprite-sheet, or are cutting up a large image to make a scrolling background, the following program is very useful
just thought i would add to this thread..
Terragen is a free program for rendering photorealistic scenery.. it has plugins which work with other intresting rendering programs some of which are free others not.
Devilguy666 wrote:
Does anyone know where to download photoshop for free???? Please reply!
I can't believe anyone is actually happy to ask that question in an open forum!
In answer to your query - yes, there are illegal sites where equally illegal copies of early versions can be downloaded, but then you might just find yourself being hacked by the people who try to lure you in with such a tempting titbit.
I suggest you BUY Photoshop Elements which is 95% Photoshop and is massively cheaper.
Or maybe BUY Paint Shop Pro which is easier and even more affordable.
Or even search out some of the FREE programs which should do everything that a Scratcher would need.
There is a clone of Photo Shop called Gimpshop. It has almost everything Photoshop has but it's free and open source. You can download it here:
I personally use Pain.NET, it's simple and fast:
Is Gimpshop the same thing as the GIMP?
Also, to download Paint.NET you need .NET framework 2.0 or above. That's why I don't have it!!
ArtRage 2.5 is a cheap or free program where you can make lifelike digital paintings. I would really recommend it!!
I used ArtRage to make the pictures in my 9/11 project (
Last edited by relyt12101 (2007-10-14 11:23:01)
I use Audacity. Very useful program.
Also, here's another painting program I use: Paint.NET
Thanks for posting this topic.
Last edited by MyRedNeptune (2007-10-14 11:57:59)
.NET framework is also freely available from Microsoft.
GIMPShop is a modified version of the GIMP that looks almost exactly the same as Photoshop.
Here is a good site with free classical music downloads:
Can anyone direct me to a link that has some good music that is fast paced, and actiony, kinda like the Jungle track on Scratch, but I would like more to choose from.
ElMikkino wrote:
Can anyone direct me to a link that has some good music that is fast paced, and actiony, kinda like the Jungle track on Scratch, but I would like more to choose from.
You want fast paced and "actiony" music? try the newgrounds sound portal then.
Topic closed