Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to insert a hyperlink to a webpage in a scratch program.
Also, I'd like to make a tiled floor for a sprite to walk on. When the user clicks a tile the sprite will go to that tile. Do these tiles need to also be sprites or could i make sort-of hotspots?
Please get back to me!
Firtly, you cant link to webpages on scratch.
Lastly you would have to make all the tiles seperatly or all different colours
You could use a background image rather than individual sprites and note the x and y positions - the hot spots.
Try as an example:
If MouseDown
Go To MousePointer
But it will depend what you want to do when you get to the tile.
For a regular array like tiles, I'd recommend computing based on the mouse pointer, rather than separate sprites. See for example my architecture stamps or mastermind game:
Hey How Do You Make Really Cool Projects?
really cool projects require 3 things
1) really cool ideas
2) some programming skill
3) diligence in applying ones skills to produce the project
Both (2) and (3) improve with practice and (sometimes) with instruction, but I don't know good ways to come up with really cool ideas---some of it is creativity and some of it is luck.
Or you could write a really cool idea generator. Click the green flag to generate a new great idea. You could add some variables with sliders to allow the user to set some parameters controlling what kind of great ideas to generate.
I currently have a team working on a program like this in Scratch and will release more information on June 31st!
forever if mouse down
if xposition < mouse x
point in direction 90
point in direction -90
wait until not mouse down
Woohoo thanks Kevin!
Does anyone know how i could make the sprite throw a snowball (when the player clicks on the target) and then when the target is hit the snowball disappears?
Also - i know how to make a score counter, but i was wondering if it was possible to make the target dissapear after so many points, and a new target sprite appears.
Sorry i'm new at this! Please get back.
The code for basic shooting is:
{make bullet move}
when flag clicked
if shotfired = 0
go to player
repeat until touching edge or touching evil snowmen ect...
move 10 (or whatever the shot speed is) steps
{control the shofired variable}
when clicked
if mouse down and touching player
set shot fired to 1
set shot fired to 0
{Point to mouse pointer}
when flag clicked
if shotfired = 1
point towards mouse pointer
{if you dont want the shots to be seen when not fired}
when flag clicked
if shotfired = 1
set ghost effect to 0
set ghost effect to 100
Hope this helps
Last edited by archmage (2007-06-16 18:52:30)