Plumberry's Stupid Stickmen shows can't go on if one of them was deleted right? So I'm just asking if you're one of the producers of scracth please can you un-delete Plumberry's Stupid Stickmen V12! here's a link! good bye and thank you for listening! : )
that gunshot sound REALLY startled Me. it still shouldnt be removed, but it shouldnt have the PG-13 rating
heybrian1 wrote:
Glough_guy, your push the button really startles little kids. Moral: Think before you say
just an animated gif. i'll tell the scratch team to put a warning saying not to shhow this to little kids.
i don't get it. my "press the button" has no sound, and was my first project. also, it's a lot safer if you dont like scary clowns